A letter from USO

You damn "uneducated" AZ residents. :rolleyes:

They've provided all the info for everyone who disagrees with the decision to make it known with their sponsors. Who's going to, or already has?

That letter is kinda funny, like others have said else where the non res are res somewhere ...

A few of you here on Moosie's know me, although I'm not a regular contributor. Yes, I know a lot of you are tired of reading about USO's recent suit against Arizona and non-resident hunting opportunities. HOWEVER, this year USO clients received approximately 250 Arizona tags that were applied for by USO. USO's basic fee for elk and deer hunts in Arizona is $3,450, not including tips and/or trophy fees. That equates to AT LEAST $862,500 of income to George Taulman, USO proprietor --- JUST for Arizona! And you wonder why all those lucky non-resident hunters' tags were sent to a P.O. Box in Taos, N. Mexico and NOT to each applicant's home address. Remember, now, it's about equality of opportunity, NOT about the dollar ...

We CAN win this thing, but it won't be easy or a quick fight --- EACH of you in your home state needs to get involved! DON'T think someone else will fight the fight for you. Excuse the metaphor, but this is our Pearl Harbor! If hunting at home is important to you, your family, and friends, find a way to contribute to the effort (time, $, letters/e-mails, whatever you can think of ...)!

I thought I might include a cut and paste copy of that letter sent from USO to all their non-resident clients (the link noted in Del's previous post is slow and hard to read); George is still claiming USO wasn't the instigator in all this, that it was non-residents everywhere. Right ...


4204 NDCBU k 325 Santistevan Lane k Taos, New Mexico 87571
1-800-843-845-9929 k Off: 505-758-9774 k Fax: 505-758-1744
E-mail: [email protected] k Website: www.unitedstatesoutfitters.com

Nonresidents win in Arizona

That's right, you won a landmark decision in your Arizona case (Montoya vs. Manning) after nearly 7 years of litigation that has gone all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and back. Read the enclosed PRESS RELEASE for the latest good news. The gist of it is: nonresidents are now going to be treated the same as residents in the distribution of the quality hunting tags, the quota in Arizona is gone on elk and deer. The wildlife belongs to all of us equally and now the courts have struck down the discrimination against nonresident hunters. Our chances of drawing these tags will be increasing to the same as the residents for elk and deer, bighorn quotas will be gone by next year. This year in fact, Arizona gave nearly 750 additional tags to nonresidents who were rejected because of the quotas. Many of you drew Arizona tags this year because of winning this lawsuit.

As far as other States, Nevada is going to make their decision to either fight the Courts ruling or to get rid of their illegal quotas this coming Saturday. Montana has been notified of our win and we have asked them to follow the 9th Circuit decision, we have not heard of any scheduled hearings as yet. If these States decide to fight, then not only will they be facing little chance of winning, but also a large class action damage claim.

It has been a long hard struggle for all of us with a lot of emotional ups and downs along the way. USO has been proud to have been an instrumental part of righting this growing wrong. Now we need your help, not with money, but with a little of your time. The angry residents of Arizona do not realize that is was you, the nonresident, who was the driving force of this lawsuit. They do not realize that it was your financial and emotional backing that filed and supported this successful lawsuit. They believe it was all USO's doing and are expressing their anger towards USO and our sponsors. USO understands, but our sponsors are getting emails and letters from a few uneducated Arizona residents expressing rage at the outcome of our lawsuit and threatening them with all sorts of retaliation, mostly wanting to boycott their products. We need you to notify the Sponsors of our television show "Real Hunting Adventures" to let them know your appreciation for their support, not so much for their lawsuit support, but their general support of USO. Our show is one of the top 5 rated shows on the Outdoor Channel now, and with our sponsors and your support, we will be on top for a long time to come.

Knight Muzzleloaders - [email protected] POB 130, Centerville, IA 52544
Swarovski Optiks - [email protected] 123 Massasoit, RI 02806
Primos Game Calls - [email protected] POB 12785, Jackson, MS 39236
Barnes Bullets - [email protected] POB 215, American Fork, UT 84003
Crooked Horn Outfitters - [email protected] 26325 Trotter Dr, Tehachapi, CA 93561

The one sponsor that is obviously missing is Bill Jordan's Realtree, because of the negative pressure placed upon them by these few uneducated residents, they have already decided not to sponsor USO at this time. As I am sure this makes us all angry that Realtree, who has been part of our family for over 10 years, would succumb to this small amount of negative pressure. I am asking that you send them an email or letter thanking them for their past USO support and ask them to reevaluate their position. Please do not threaten them as the residents have, we do not want to lower ourselves to this level at this time. Contact [email protected] or address of 1390 Box Circle, Columbus, GA 31907. We believe that once they understand the large nonresident support behind this effort, they will reconsider. We will keep you abreast of the situation.

All Draws Are Completed ….

All of the draws have now been completed, Arizona is always the last one and we now have those results. By the time you receive this note, all the successful applicants should be notified. We already have contacted all of the successful applicants from Kansas and New Mexico draws. If anyone is looking to go on a guaranteed private land hunt this year, give us a call now 800-845-9929 as we now have the hunt openings that these draws have created.

We are sorry if you were unsuccessful this year, we know the feeling of not drawing a good hunt. But the future is going to explode for the nonresident. The loss of the illegal quotas add percentages for you to draw in each state and substantially increase our chances of drawing when you get the additive effect of applying to multiple states, like most of you do. Now is the time to dramatically increase the number of applications you are having us apply, if you haven't already. These dream tags are within our reach.

Arizona's Elk Permit of a Lifetime Raffle

Below is an elk raffle ticket for a statewide elk any weapon permit good from Sept. 1 - Dec. 31, 2004. This is probably the most sought after elk tag in the world. It is transferable as well. According to Arizona regulations, no donation is required and you may get one raffle ticket by just sending it in the mail. Donations are taken @ 20$ each or 6 for $100. We believe it would be foolish for you to not send in one at least this one chance at a cost of a 37 cent stamp. Cut this from this letter, fill it out and send to the address on the bottom. If you decide to also donate $20 or more, make sure to photocopy and send on in for free as well. Deadline is August 12 in their offices, send it today …

*** Copy of a blank "2004 Arizona Elk Hunt Raffle" ticket was located here.


Yeah, I'm one those "uneducated" resident Arizonans that thought to evoke a minimum of negative pressure against USO's sponsors. Darn right!!! You can also see how much George thinks of contributing financially to Arizona's elk herd; sure sounded like he encouraged all his clients to enter Arizona's Governor's Elk Tag Raffle for just the cost of a postage stamp (note: that deadline has already passed ...).

So --- I hope you all join other hunters in your home state to help preserve YOUR hunting tradition. You don't know how to get involved? Find a way, either through here on Moosie's or elsewhere on the Internet. This ISN'T the time to let others do your fighting for you; believe me, George has got your state in his sights next ...

One way to take the fight to these guys is to form some type of group like a politacal 527 you are hearing about on the political scene. Raise money then start advertising in major hunting mags against these guys. Let folks know whats going on, get them fired up and go from there.
USO sucks. This movement of theres will ruin hunting as we know it. If all states have these type of rules about non-res applications what does it matter, I have a good chance in Idaho where I live, but not as good as in anywhere else. So what, those are the rules so be it. Keep emailing there sponsors. I know my crooked horn pack has a good chance of sitting at home this fall and a new Badlands may be on the way.
The letter includes links that can be used to tell these sponsers that you support states rights, and will not use their products until they pull their support from USO.
Because Realtree has pulled their support already, I'll be wearing a new "Realtree" pack this fall.

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