A growing problem

This is planned. They want to control everything in your life. The people your seeing are the first to fall. Yes they got their by bad choice's. Just remember that you are only 2 steps away from the same. Electric vehicle's are a scam the food shortages are man made. How many food processing plants burned down this year? San Francisco giving out free basic income to the gay community. This is planned so don't be so hard to judge. Their buying up single family homes to drive you out of affordable housing. Same with farm land. They will replace worker's with AI. You're not needed. Not saying it's going to happen but that's what they're vision is.
Kanye, is that you?
Did you move back to Wyoming?
Sorry I'm 1st generation American and I don't sit behind a computer screen worried about grammar. I'm a working man that gets shit done for a living.
Okay so how why am I wrong? Not trying to argue but what are is your rebuttal too the info that I posted?
America is standing in the way. Critical Race Theory will make sure everyone gets the same piece (equity) of nothing. Communities will be devastated again as jobs are shipped overseas, and foreclosures prevail. People will be pushed to rent. Neighborhoods will be bought up, demolished and high rises will be built. Single-Family Zoning will be outlawed. This will be the last transfer of wealth as the middle class by design once again loses their life savings and private property. Americans will be deemed to be domestic terrorists with racist intentions. Social Emotional Learning has created a class of paid and volunteer activists (rioters). Everyone knows what to do. They learned it in school.

Please logically explain how the #*^@#* all of this is just going to “happen”.
I think the guy explained it in the YouTube video. Other than that your watching it play out in real time. I would think . If you didn't watch it why comment on it. You don't have to agree with it. Just post a rebuttal of it if you disagree.
I think the guy explained it in the YouTube video. Other than that your watching it play out in real time. I would think . If you didn't watch it why comment on it. You don't have to agree with it. Just post a rebuttal of it if you disagree.
I read the “article” you posted. Unsubstantiated claims, like “single family zoning will be outlawed “. By who? “Them”?

I think it’s all a bunch a paranoid horse shit about a global agenda with no facts to back it up. Forget about sovereignty and the constitution? Birds aren’t real either.
Okay that's what you believe. I'm not going to harass you or call you names over it.
Okay so way do you think the homeless rate is going up along with inflation? Is it all just a qwink a dink?
Okay so way do you think the homeless rate is going up along with inflation? Is it all just a qwink a dink?
The homeless rate was going up long before inflation hit. I’m sure inflation has accelerated homelessness. I’m also sure the homeless rate and inflation have nothing to do with a global agenda that Americans stand in the way of.
The homeless rate was going up long before inflation hit. I’m sure inflation has accelerated homelessness. I’m also sure the homeless rate and inflation have nothing to do with a global agenda that Americans stand in the way of.
So you don't think theirs anything to a one world government. That man would never want to gain more control or power for their own gain or profit?
The homeless rate was going up long before inflation hit. I’m sure inflation has accelerated homelessness. I’m also sure the homeless rate and inflation have nothing to do with a global agenda that Americans stand in the way of.
Stop @JLS

Go watch some soccer highlights. Search which idaho elk tags will be the best to go for next month. Look at dream property in Maui. Hell, pick your toes with a rusty nail...

But for goodness sake don't engage with lunacy!
Yup ever ones crazy until you're not. That's what my grandmother said to me about the Nazi's. And she should know she lived through it. With 3 brother's that died in it
It's not that American's are standing in the way of it. It's a fight between America holding on to the global dominate currency and being able to print money freely vs China. With the rest of the world tried of being abused by the global banksters.
If you have 2:26:21 of free listening time check out the Joe Rogan podcast w/ Mark Laita. They dive deep into the issues with homeless, drug addicts, etc.
Mark has the YouTube channel Soft white under belly. If you haven’t checked that channel, clear some time and go down the rabbit hole.
I prefer to live in areas where it's not a problem ... and never will be. Here the mosquitos keep the homeless pretty much off the streets during most of the summer. The bugs are never going away. Our -50 winters (-48 with global warming) take care of any bums that moved in during brief Indian Summer. Eastern Montana's Hi Line is not suitable homeless habitat either. Fifty to seventy mph winds tend to do a number on cardboard shanties and they give Walmart shopping carts a life of their own. Search out these places if looking for a domicile. Yeah, the mountains don't put scenery in front of your face. But what good is scenery if you have to look over homeless bums and plastic transplant snobs to see it?

I agree. Don't buy a house in Montana just so you can come hang out a few weeks a year. That's what camper trailers are for. I think it's ironic that all those rich slobs who have bought up everything in the Flathead can't find anyone to bag their groceries or brew their lattes. Serves em right that they can't get served.
If you have 2:26:21 of free listening time check out the Joe Rogan podcast w/ Mark Laita. They dive deep into the issues with homeless, drug addicts, etc.
Mark has the YouTube channel Soft white under belly. If you haven’t checked that channel, clear some time and go down the rabbit hole.
Rabbit hole? More like the hole that's under the seat in an outhouse.
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