Caribou Gear

A few things I miss about the south.....

Dean........I doubt the Whiteys are sweating too much!
...........they are probably huddled up at the local drinking hole in the swamp laughing their arses off!

..damn, I do miss those 3 and 4 month seasons, JB! A late season Alabammy hunt sounds awsome!..............just tell me when and where!

Nut.......that was January and it was like 5 degrees........we called that the "ice buck". That is my friend Curtis in the pic and I was manning the camera and video. IT was fuggin hilarius!
Sorry I missed your earlier question........YES, almost all of these bucks were from Louisiana.

Burk......I will be back every fall, no question. And for some reason,I believe you when you say you guys will save a few elk for me!

Moosie, you big ol' bitch! You know I have invited you on several hunts. Don't even try the ol' "Aperently I'm not good enough to go hunting with.. " routine
You're always either killing Toads with Greeny an WW or chasing bait-can bears in Canada with "da possee" or something or other
.................maybe we'll get it done next season
Mark - I wish you the best on going home. I know exactly how it all plays out. Family is what keeps me here - my 78-year old mom, my wife's Mom (both widows), my two grandsons - 1 @ 2 years, 1 @ 1 year old - all my son's cousins and so on. I lived in Northern California for 8 years or so in some great country in the delta - great bird hunting and fishing, not far from the mountains. But it got old driving down south every Christmas and so forth. And the complaints from the family about missing out on my kids growing up.

So - be happy and enjoy those long seasons. Maybe we will still be able to hook up on one of your forays back West.
Thanks Rick.....

It is a transition time for me.............after all, I am 40,... midlife crisis...right?
A time for laying new groundwork for the rest of my life. The first 40 wasn't too shabby.......hopefully I won't be disappointed with the next 40 either!....

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-07-2003 12:59: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
DS you'll be back faily close to me now. I get in lotsa Louisiana hunters around here that have had leases here for many years.A big batch from Shreveport. Also lots from east Texas and the houston area. Good luck on the moving. Moving is not one of my favorite things. Ol Bob
DS, your leaving?? Where the hell have I been? No wonder you haven't returned my emails!! Did I miss a thread or something? You gonna leave them ponies for me? ha ha.. Man that sucks your leaving I was hoping we could do some huntin together.. Oh well I wish the best of luck to you man. Take care
Hey Bo.................I haven't returned e-mails because I have been in La the last few weeks and had about 150 e-mails sitting on my desk.........haven't waded though them yet.
We can still do some hunting together.........I ain't giving that up,... just relocating for a while

Ol' Bob......I'll get over there.....only about 4 or 5 hours away now. I got close kin in Waco I see quite often. Just tame up those Toms and I'll make it by

Cali.....trailoring them back south. I just luv them mangy bastards!
............hell, I might can even afford some extra hay @ $2 a bale rather than the $6-$8 I pay now!
Already bought a house and some acres last week that I close on the last day of this month. It is small, but more than I need, and the 4 acres is plenty for the ponies.

Damn I dread those big ass U-haul!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-07-2003 17:30: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
Is the Uhaul bigger or Smaller from the Trip up ?

I can picture the old Rocking chair Strapped on the top still

Good deal on the ponies, DS. You've spent so much time and energy getting just what you wanted in them, and knowing that you'll still be hunting the West - well, it just didn't make sense to me to rent some hay burning Ford Fiesta when you've had a Caddy.
Good point Cali! Thoseponies ave been dan good ones......figure I can keep as pets, right?!

Moosie..........about th same load I would imagine.............I accumalated some tuff in 3 years............but as you know, I will be leaving some of it behind...
wink.gif I would figure it to be about th same pain in the ass move as before.......cepting dem damn ponies I have to drag home!
Dont worry , you will get a good hunting again spot soon enough. Just hold out for a good one rather than wasting time in useless areas. Why cant you go back to the spot where you shot the ones in the picture?
Schmaltz.......those pics represent years of chasin' whiteys in lots of different areas. The last 10 years or so I have owned property with ajoining leases. I sold off what I had for my pilgramage west. I only wished I had it back
Itis owned by others now, so I will just have to start over.........once again.
It will take me a few months to get locked on again, but read my signature below, there is a little truth in it.

Two folks can hunt the exact same property, and one can kill good bucks regularly, and the other never see a big buck, other than the dead ones his buddy keeps dragging up!
............luck, ...........I don't think so
I feel your pain. I had a couple nice spots around the house that are now subdivisions. The 3 biggest bucks i ever saw were less than 4 miles from home.... Losing a good spot sucks no matter how it happens. Gotta post a few pics of the good old days myself when i feel like it wont depress me too much..
I just hope this transition goes as smooth as yours Mark. I always though just moving was a bitch! Moving state to state was 10 times as bad!
Not trying to one up ya, but try this international crap from another country half away around the globe! I came here almost 8 years ago with 2 bags! Now I will need a 40' container.
This sucks! It takes about 5 Xanax just to keep my from blowing a gasket!

Good luck and I may not have the deer figured out by the season, but the old man will know where to find the reds, flounder and specks on the lake within a month!
I think he is more excited about me looking at this Lake ponchatrain house so he can fish than he cares about me coming back to the States

man, the houses around mandeville are out of site compared to 10 years ago!
best of luck and we will hook up at capt. cottonmouths for a few cold ones and a conversation long past due.
DS, are you keeping the house in CO too? That would be kind of cool if you could swing it. I'll bet that would get you back more often...Don't worry bout them emails you got lots on your plate. But do keep in touch once things get back to "normal" whatever that is right.. ha ha. Take care man.
No, Bo..I am letting a few things go, and the house is one of them. I'll keep in touch...

Sounds like a plan Thump. Get settled and then we can hook up. Sounds like a tuff move for you....mine is especially tuff for me this time....hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire life.

Thanks Martin....hey, I almost moved to Tennessee about 10 years do you like it there? Kill any bears?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-09-2003 10:27: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
Thanks Bill........I owe it to my sons at least for the next two years to consider their best interest.........and for now, that is going back south.
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