Dean........I doubt the Whiteys are sweating too much!
...........they are probably huddled up at the local drinking hole in the swamp laughing their arses off!
..damn, I do miss those 3 and 4 month seasons, JB! A late season Alabammy hunt sounds awsome!..............just tell me when and where!
Nut.......that was January and it was like 5 degrees........we called that the "ice buck". That is my friend Curtis in the pic and I was manning the camera and video. IT was fuggin hilarius!
Sorry I missed your earlier question........YES, almost all of these bucks were from Louisiana.
Burk......I will be back every fall, no question. And for some reason,I believe you when you say you guys will save a few elk for me!
Moosie, you big ol' bitch! You know I have invited you on several hunts. Don't even try the ol' "Aperently I'm not good enough to go hunting with.. " routine
You're always either killing Toads with Greeny an WW or chasing bait-can bears in Canada with "da possee" or something or other
.................maybe we'll get it done next season

..damn, I do miss those 3 and 4 month seasons, JB! A late season Alabammy hunt sounds awsome!..............just tell me when and where!

Nut.......that was January and it was like 5 degrees........we called that the "ice buck". That is my friend Curtis in the pic and I was manning the camera and video. IT was fuggin hilarius!

Burk......I will be back every fall, no question. And for some reason,I believe you when you say you guys will save a few elk for me!

Moosie, you big ol' bitch! You know I have invited you on several hunts. Don't even try the ol' "Aperently I'm not good enough to go hunting with.. " routine