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A "common sense" proposal that will piss off both sides

Or kill a pile of them themselves. Why is it so hard to understand that teachers aren't SWAT combatants like internet experts?
Show me where all the teachers carrying in TX have killed each other. Go ahead.

Explain to me why it is legal for a mom to carry a weapon to defend herself and her children, but it’s not l legal for a teacher. Is it because teachers are inherently incompetent?

I’m starting to think that @BrentD perhaps should not be trusted to own a firearm. He just might accidentally kill everyone he knows. Turn your guns in. You obviously don’t know how to use them without being a danger to you’re self and those around you. Or have you have special forces training?
Do I need special forces training to carry concealed in Wal-Mart, or does the 2A give me that right?
Why have schools become the primary location of mass shootings? My brilliant Mom asked me this. 🤔
I dont know if she was ever in the special forces but I wish the woman at the graduation party in West Virginia today, had been at the Texas school when he showed up with his gun
Im reasonably confident that she would not have measured up to @BrentD ’s standard. Her weapons were not up to the standard deemed necessary by the majority of the anti-carry crowd either.

And yeah, I wish she had responded instead of the cops who had the balls to cuff and tase parents who wanted to join their children.

I’m pro law enforcement. I’m VERY pro law enforcement. I just don’t think that they’re the only answer to everything. I don’t think they’re the best answer to everything either. That doesn’t take away from their value. It just means that sometimes, they’re not going to be the best solution to the problem.
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The primary reason school shootings, especially an elementary school shooting is the age and innocence of the victims.

The top of the list, workplace shootings does not surprise me. First there are just so many workplaces. Combine that with employees who feel unfairly disciplined or terminated...and there you go. I suspect many people have felt someone they worked with might be capable.

For quite a few of the years I worked, I was the chairman of the Union for the wage employees in the plant. In one instance, an employee who was terminated called me while I was at work. He made several explicit threats about evening the score with several of the management personnel he felt had hosed him. I could not pretend that I had not been told that.

So I went to the head of HR, who was one of the people this guy had threatened, and told him that this guy had made some very extreme statements to me. The HR guy wanted me to make myself available to corporate for determining how to proceed. I said thanks but no thanks. I told the HR guy that I wanted him to know there might be a target on his back, but I had zero interest in placing one on me. Fortunately this guy was all bark but no bite. But how do you know, for certain?
The primary reason school shootings, especially an elementary school shooting is the age and innocence of the victims.

The top of the list, workplace shootings does not surprise me. First there are just so many workplaces. Combine that with employees who feel unfairly disciplined or terminated...and there you go. I suspect many people have felt someone they worked with might be capable.

For quite a few of the years I worked, I was the chairman of the Union for the wage employees in the plant. In one instance, an employee who was terminated called me while I was at work. He made several explicit threats about evening the score with several of the management personnel he felt had hosed him. I could not pretend that I had not been told that.

So I went to the head of HR, who was one of the people this guy had threatened, and told him that this guy had made some very extreme statements to me. The HR guy wanted me to make myself available to corporate for determining how to proceed. I said thanks but no thanks. I told the HR guy that I wanted him to know there might be a target on his back, but I had zero interest in placing one on me. Fortunately this guy was all bark but no bite. But how do you know, for certain?
Had a guy make interesting comments to another coworker once and we had explosives on site that were referenced. HR brushed that one right under the rug. That was a warm fuzzy for all of us from the company.
A broader conversation, new ideas, better listening. Again, it is not that it is a discussion point, but rather it has become the only discussion point.
I think maybe you should have expected what happened. You’re smart enough know what people would talk about, and you’re smart enough to know that what happened in Uvalde was directly applicable to the second amendment.
Should I just rename this thread, “Endless squabbling about elementary school teachers playing security officers by 2 or 3 people who can’t manage to share their opinion and move on”?
Can you be a little more genuine? Since when has self defense equated to “playing security officer”? If I carry concealed in a public place am I playing “security officer”? what about where I work? Why is a school different? Are there no children at Wal-Mart? What about daycare? In TX a daycare is like any other place of business. It’s not separated like schools. My children attend daycare where at least one employee carries. Perhaps other employees there were not as open about it.
So, I gather for many the position on this issue is, we don’t care about building a viable mental health system, we don’t care about turning around the economic decay of rural towns and urban core, we just want more guns to defend ourselves while we watch society burn. Wonderful. I really do want my sub now.
Then you didn’t actually read my post - increased 2A freedoms proposed included nationwide carry, federal preemption of additional state restrictions, dramatic shrinking of NFA limitations.

Disagreeing is welcomed. Being so closed minded/reactive that one can’t even read and accurately characterize a post is just disappointing.

I was referring to every actual, real-life "compromise" that has eroded the 2nd Amendment. You know, the ones that have gotten us to where we are today. Your ideas are well thought out and reasonable. Except this is NOT how politicians work. It's not how we've gotten to volumes of gun laws that don't get enforced or are selectively or minimally enforced except for the ones that target mostly law-abiding citizens. So, while I agree you make reasonable points, I wasn't really addressing the content of your post. For not being clear about that, I do apologize. But my position regarding any further compromise on the 2nd is unapologetically NOPE! The government needs to start enforcing the laws on the books before writing more laws. The 2nd Amendment has been compromised enough and if that makes me closed minded then it is what it is. I don't care and truthfully, I don't understand why so many gun-owners seem to accept getting kicked and beatdown over issues they are not responsible for.
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