Caribou Gear

7mm-08 rem

My wife has been shooting the 140 gr. Fusions for years. Elk, Whitetails, caribou.
I've never seen or heard of anyone complaining about the terminal performance of the Partition or A-Frame.
But be aware that at closer ranges or hitting heavy bone, the nose may come apart down to the partition. (For those that complain about weight retention)

As others have mentioned, the Accubond performs well.
But you don't need a bonded bullet for deer sized game.

In the 7mm-08 a 120gr or 140gr Nosler Ballistic Tip is really hard to beat.
Accurate and good terminal performance.

The only other bullet I've seen out perform it is the 140gr Berger VLD in the 7mm-08.

If I HAD to shoot monos, Hammer or Cutting Edge would be the only bullets that I would choose.

I'm experimenting with the Cutting Edge MTH 130gr this year in my 280 Rem.
Accuracy at the range has been good so far.
I'm anxious to see it's terminal performance.
130gr MTH compared to a 150gr Ballistic Tip.


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Question for you guys that shoot a 7mm-08. I only hunt whitetails and am looking for suggestions between 2 different rounds. Both group great out of my gun and shots will be under 300 yards, what one would you shoot and why?
Federal fusion 140 grain or Barnes ttsx 120 grain.
I'd choose the 140gr and not look back. Oh now I see, 120gr is a Barnes ttsx. Should hold together better than a cup and core bullet. But I don't feel I can afford the price of speciality bullet's so stick to heavier cup and core bullets. Actually, don't know if they are around or not, but in 7mm I go nuts to find a factory 160gr load. I reload so I'd go with a 1660gr Speer Hot Core.
I'd choose the 140gr and not look back. Oh now I see, 120gr is a Barnes ttsx. Should hold together better than a cup and core bullet. But I don't feel I can afford the price of speciality bullet's so stick to heavier cup and core bullets. Actually, don't know if they are around or not, but in 7mm I go nuts to find a factory 160gr load. I reload so I'd go with a 1660gr Speer Hot Core.
I believe the Fusion is a bonded bullet, like the Partition and Accubond.
I believe the Fusion is a bonded bullet, like the Partition and Accubond.
Nope, at least not bonded ...copper covered lead. Federal claims a unique electroplating process. IMO they sit between true cup and cores and standard bullets in penetration. Depending on what you are shooting that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Well, if the question is which is better, I can't really speak to that because I have not shot the accubonds through my 7mm-08. I have shot the 120 ttsx. They have performed flawlessly in mine. both deer we have shot went down immediately. The ttsx groups very nicely for me.
Nope, at least not bonded ...copper covered lead. Federal claims a unique electroplating process. IMO they sit between true cup and cores and standard bullets in penetration. Depending on what you are shooting that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Maybe Federal should take the word “bonded” off of their boxes then. They sure look and act bonded to me.

Maybe you should reach out to them and let them know about their error.
The 2 bullets that I think serve the 7-08 the best are the 120 ballistic tips and 140 a large margin.

If I were forced to pick one, the 140 accubond and never even give it a second thought.

A few days ago, 446 yards, 7-08 and one 140 grain accubond, point of the on-side shoulder, bullet just under the hide behind the off-side shoulder.


The Barnes will do perfect the 120gr for me seems to be the best perfect entry and exit and it did the job but the 140gr wouldn't be bad to have on hand either
I’ve been shooting the 7/08 for 20 years now and have run through a range of bullets.

Switched to monos about 5 years ago and just didn’t get as quick of kills as I would like. Hammers seemed to do the most damage but still not what I was looking for.

I’m using the 150 ELDX this year and it liquified the lungs of my bull a few days ago. Have also had good luck with the 162 gr version.
I am a berger guy. However, what you described a 140 nosler accubond would be absolutely PERFECT!
Thanks everyone, I'm going to run with the Barnes and see how it goes.
If it were me I would try the Barnes fist. I’m a mono fan though. I will say for a cost effective factory round the Federal Fusion is a good option.
I shot a few Minnesota deer with Federal Fusions and Accubonds. Never again. If you like bloodshot meat, lead in your sausage, and poisoning raptors, they’ll work great. I switched to Barnes and have not had one single complaint. Out west and long shots may be a different story (though I’ve never had an issue with copper) but in the MN whitetail woods where long shots are rare, there’s zero reason not to use the monos.
Been using the TTSXs with great results on a bunch of pronghorn, a couple muleys, and an bull elk. All performed flawlessly. It is nice to see the varied answers with good results. Should give people a lot of options.
I know it’s an older topic but those 120gr ttsx as well as my favorite 120 nbt are bang flops on whitetail. I push them as fast as pressure and group size allow.
I loaded some for a buddy, my daughter and myself. We’ve never had a deer step away from those hits!!
Recall one mature 8pt double lung hit, would’ve sworn it was a spine or high shoulder he slapped the ground so hard
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