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6.5 Remington Mag

Here's a start on finding brass to reload. Best of luck.

I wonder if Qual Cart is making much of anything these days.

Could you make cases from .264 Win mag brass by setting the shoulder back? You'd need to to move it by about 0.33 inches which could maybe be done in small steps with trimming and maybe fire forming. The .264 Win mag shoulder angle seems favorable for this. Also you'd likely need to trim as you go.
I wonder if Qual Cart is making much of anything these days.

Could you make cases from .264 Win mag brass by setting the shoulder back? You'd need to to move it by about 0.33 inches which could maybe be done in small steps with trimming and maybe fire forming. The .264 Win mag shoulder angle seems favorable for this. Also you'd likely need to trim as you go.
You could do it with any belted magnum, but you will need to manage the "donut" inside the neck and neck ream. Expect higher pressure due to less case capacity.

I used to do a lot of cartridge conversions. I've actually had an RCBS sizing die get radial cracks around the bottom from the pressure it takes to move the shoulder back that far.

Time value of money - You are better off buying the right brass if you can find it.
Neat rifle, that dog has to hunt again!

Seems to me that Nosler still makes brass for the 350 RM, I'd get a hold of some of that and try necking it down. Should work just fine.
Yes Neck down and trim and chamfer
IMR 4350 with 125 Nosler Part or 120gr TSX Barnes. Expect 270 Win performance on game but in a short rifle Rem 600.
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There are no flies on the 6.5 Mag. Really a great cartridge and one I’m actually disappointed I didn’t purchase when I had the chance.

Nice Buck!
Talking about the 600 Rem, I had one in 308 Win I hunted with for a lot of years, mine was a 660. Probably my most favorite hunting rifle ever and not sure I know why. Groups stayed between 3/4' and 1" at 100yds, had a number of better shooting rifles over the years! Stock was a pretty ugly fence post and trigger didn't adust. But everything I shot at with it just fell down. Had a 2 3/4x Denver Redfield on it I took off a 338 mag I had. Wasn't to heavy but don't know what it weighted, I was a lot younger in those days. My son has it today and didn't think the scope was enough so he gave that back to me, it's on my 30-06 now, and he replaced it with a 3-9x of some kind. Strange thing is he's never hunted with it! When he goes he borrows something from me, loves my 25-06! Tells me he hasn't got anything loaded up for it! Probably should steal it back! It was really reasuring taking that old gun out!
I've seem a few many years ago. Seem's to me part of the downfall was the short action rifle. trying to remember, think problem was bullet's in it, seem's about all you could get in factory ammo was, I think 120gr bullet's. otherwise they had to be seated to deep to fit in the magazine. I think that was what it was. Boy that was back in the early 1970's, friend had one.
This. Same issue with building a 6.5-284 on a short action. Heavier bullets need to be seated too deeply. They should have just legitimized the 6.5-06. Both would have about the same recoil. IMO the last thing anyone needed was another stupid belted case.
Is .350 mag ammo or brass any easier to get? One could just neck it down. Probably need 2 steps and turn the necks

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