6.5 PRC vs .280AI

Correct. Sorry @ImBillT, you got me on a grumpy day working when I should be hunting.
Well, I’ve been getting things ready for my next trip(Saturday) and made a few drive by posts, and when drive by posting I’m at higher than normal risk of attributing the wrong thing to the wrong person. 90% of my posts from May 1st to Nov 1st are drive bys.
I am debating a new rifle purchase myself. 280AI is a consideration as is 6.5PRC, but I am leaning more towards 7-08, 7mmRM or 30-06.

I did as fate would have it stumbled across this earlier today

No. Some states just have weird cutoffs that defy physics.

.264 win mag
26 Nosler
6.5-300 Weatherby Mag
6.5 Sherman

All can be handloaded and for some factory ammo purchased to shoot a heavier bullet faster than any factory .270 win offering, not to mention 7mm-08.

Sorry personal pet peeve. I believe PA also has that .270 cut off.
PA changed their regs this year, 26 caliber with 120 grains or heavier is now the legal minimum
Right here. Stop overthinking this shit. An elk can’t tell the difference between a 140 grain bullet and a 168. Put it in the damn boiler room and get your knife ready.
But which knife; havalon or gerber? What about a fixed blade or a folder.


Sharpening, do I carry a stone... file? What about those Walmart sharpeners?

Is @RockinU still alive?

Knife sheath?

Skeltonized knife?

What about a good old buck...

GD @JLS what have you done...
If yer usin’ dem itty bitty boolits you don’t have to worry ‘bout wut yer knife weighs.
Screw the itty bitty bullets, after my latest elk hunt failure I’m looking for recommendations for the best “brush busting” rifles. What will be guaranteed to plow through the oakbrush and kill the bull on the other side? I’m thinking a .470 double rifle.
Screw the itty bitty bullets, after my latest elk hunt failure I’m looking for recommendations for the best “brush busting” rifles. What will be guaranteed to plow through the oakbrush and kill the bull on the other side? I’m thinking a .470 double rifle.
Round nose Core Lokt. 220 grainers out of a .308, minimum.
20% is a substantial difference. There is a point where bigger and faster won’t make any difference any more. I don’t know exactly where that is on each different animal. I would personally argue that a 6.5PRC with a 140gr+ projectile is getting close to that point on a mule deer, but is well below that point on an elk. There is quite a bit of difference between any 6.5, and a 280AI.

The 6.5PRC will work fine. The 280AI would give me considerable comfort should something be less than perfect.
That seems like a definitive opinion after killing one elk...

I've seen and had rodeo's with cartridges much larger than those being discussed. I've seen exceptional results with rifles less "potent" than those being discussed. The variable that I have seen causing the difference is bullet placement. Though I am sure it happens, I've not seen what I would call a bullet failure.
I can tell you that a .280 will not hit a bull if you don’t notice the branch in the way....
Did some digging... should be all you need.

Not that it matters what I think but I would never use a .25 caliber for elk. It can have any fancy name it wants. Just not enough wiggle room for marginal shots. I have lots of other useless opinions that most disagree with. My favorite is I like heavy bullets moving fast with lots if energy.

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