6.5 Creedmoor Rifle Suggestions

Unlike most of the ultramags i don't see the creedmoor as a cartridge that is going away anytime soon. Other 6.5's may, but not the creedmoor. I think it will just settle in with other popular cartridges like the 270. The ultramags may be a bit too much of a good thing and that might be why they seem to be slowly dying off. Ihave several friends whom own them but they never get shot because they dont reload and they are so expensive to shoot. In contrast, the creedmoor guys shoot all the time

I absolutely agree. I bought one for their inherent accuracy, shoot ability, effectiveness on deer sized game, cost of quality factory loads, factory load availability, wide choice of rifles, staying power and more. My Tikka Veil shoots almost like my match 22. I watch it strike. No flinch. Try that with a 30-378. Don’t get me wrong I love my 300, which I bought for ALMOST all the same reasons. Love banter, but love the chance for each of us to own our weapon of choice. Imagine all of us packing around Model 70 ought 6’s? We’d be bored but effective. 😆
The RUM rifles are popular with a different type of shooter/ hunter. Muzzle blast, recoil, cost and all the rest of the things that go along with pushing big bullets fast, ain't a big deal. mtmuley

I have buddies that love them. I’m not anti. I just don’t see the benefit over my 300 wm. They do have more horsepower, but personally I feel it’s unneeded. I guess I could see myself going up into the 338 range of ultras when my dream brown moose hunting happens some day...
The RUM rifles are popular with a different type of shooter/ hunter. Muzzle blast, recoil, cost and all the rest of the things that go along with pushing big bullets fast, ain't a big deal. mtmuley
Absolutely. Different strokes for different folks.
It seems the best way to get an exhaustive list of every possible rifle, caliber, optics, load combination is to ask HT for help narrowing down your short list.
I'm always amused by forum responses that start, "I don't have any experience with that, but..." Then we go off on how our favorite thing is the best ever.

If someone wants a 6.5CM, they should drop the coin and get to the range with it. I have no opinion which one to buy.

Mrs45 says if we shot our rifles as much as we talked about our rifles, we would all be Chris Kyle.
Mossberg Patriot with the water proof stock and top it with a top of the line Night Force scope! :)
I got a Savage Long Range Hunter and then had a custom rifle built in 6.5 Creedmoor. Both were very accurate and heavy. I also got a Savage Lightweight Hunter in 6.5 Creedmoor topped with a Weaver 1x3 Classic. I've shot most of my game with the little Savage Lightweight just because it's accurate enough (MOA) and very easy to carry. I'll take it on my elk hunt in a few weeks and it'll work again if I see an elk to shoot.
I just got a Howa 1500 SS in 6.5 creedmoor ,ordered a Bell &Carlson medalist stock for it and going with 129 grain Hornady Whitetail ammo . I have a Sig whiskey 3 scope to mount on it .
Don’t tell anyone, but I picked up a savage ultralight in 6.5 cm for my Younger kids and topped it off with a vx freedom 6-18 and Pulled a 1/2” 5 shot group @200 with factory 140 eldm’s and a 3/8” group with factory 130 Berger’s.

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