6.5 Creedmoor Rifle Suggestions

Thanks to everyone that has contributed to this. It has been a huge help. I think I am going to pick up the Hell's Canyon Speed in the next couple of days. Played with the Weatherby, Bergara, and Christensen rifles and the HC Speed just felt the best in my hands.
I have the HC speed in 6.5 creedmoor its a sub moa rifle with 129 gr. hornady interlocks and 143 gr. Eld-x factory no need to handload it. Great choice
I vote Tikka T3X. There are a lot of good options out there, but you can get a lot of real good gun in the T3X for the $ you're talking about - fluted barrel, stainless, etc. And they are very good shooters.
Thanks for everyone's suggestions, it is greatly appreciated. I handled almost all the rifles suggested and fell in love with the feel of the Browning Hell's Canyon Speed.
i bought a browning rifle about a year ago and I can say that other than one thing the rifle has been perfect. Good choice
I'd take a good look at this package:

I'd take a good look at this package:

WOW randy newberg signature series available in the 6.5 creedmoor and not the 7mm-08 what are all his followers and creedmoor haters going to do
WOW randy newberg signature series available in the 6.5 creedmoor and not the 7mm-08 what are all his followers and creedmoor haters going to do

I believe they’re working on a 7mm-08 model. I happen to like both cartridges myself.
glad you went with the browning,,modern work of art,,mines in 300wsm in case i hunt big stuff in the future
My Christensen Arms Ridgeline in 6.5 CM shoots one hole groups with factory Hornady 147 ELD-M. I do a lot of custom reloading for other people and almost all of my rifles, I haven't even thought about loading for this one.
I bought a $600 Bergara B14 hunter just to finally have a 6.5 creedmore. Put an old VXIII on it. After packing it around for a while I finally built some loads for it.
The first five NLRAB into a perfect clover leaf, and repeatable.
Grandson shot his first deer with it, won’t give it back.
In my opinion it is a plain Jane soul less rifle but you would have a hard time finding a rifle that shoots better.
My birthday is Sunday, since my Grandson “stole”my rifle, we are going to town today I’ll buy another.
Good luck, have fun.


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