Kenetrek Boots



Oct 7, 2014
Noxon Mt
I'm toying with the idea of building a rifle in a 6.5-06, and was wondering if anyone has any practical experience with that round? Good, Bad, Ugly?
I don't have on that particular cartridge, but I sure think it would be a sweetheart. Really be simple to run 25-06 brass over an expanding collet and it would be very simple to have excellent cases. I have used a 25-06 quite a bit and it's a really nice cartridge. I have to admit the 6.5-06 ballistics would probably be just a tad better.
Be ready to change out barrels frequently as it spits out the little pills hot!!! Awesome ballistics though
I know a guy that has tons of experience with the 6.5-06. PM me and I' ll get you in touch. mtmuley
Been around a couple of them. What are you planning to hunt with the rifle and how far you planning to shoot?
From .257 to .264 is splitting hairs but we do it coz it's cool and coz we can. It's one of the benefits and curses of being a reloading wonk.

Thanks for all the info, the main reason I chose the caliber is that it isn't something you hear of very often.
I was planning on using it mainly for longer range deer and pronghorn, as a fill in between the .257 Rob and 7RM I already have.
MTTW I agree with you, that pre-64 would be much better if it had been untouched!
Mtmuley thanks, once I find a donor rifle I will be in touch.
From .257 to .264 is splitting hairs but we do it coz it's cool and coz we can. It's one of the benefits and curses of being a reloading wonk.

The bullets (shape, weight, etc) make those hairs easy to split and largely favor the .264...
I'd pick the 6.5 over a .25 due to bullets without plastic tips. Scenar. I've been very happy with them out of a 260 Rem.
You might look into the 6.5-06 ai. I have a 700 Remington that I would like to do this to. I have a 6.5 Swede that does about 2600 fps with 22" barrel and 140 grain pills. With what I can find on different forums and places that the ai version and a 26" barrel on it would be the way to get a significant improvement.
I have a couple of custom 6.5X.06 rifles. It is a great cartridge for all my hunting and doesn't kick me to death. But you have to like to reload.
With the new bonded bullets, I think the .25X.06 works just fine too. My brother has killed dozens of elk with his and never lost one. My wife shoots a .260 Rem and it is fun and lethal.
You may need one of each just to compare 'em.
My favorite 6.5 has always been the 260 REM.
The 6.5-06 should push 120-140 gr. bullets at a little faster speed. But, I have zero experience with this cartridge.

Would love to hear any hard data about case capacity and chrony readings.
Doubt it could match the .264 win. mag. but it should be similar in speed to the 25-06 with better bullet selections.
My favorite 6.5 has always been the 260 REM.
The 6.5-06 should push 120-140 gr. bullets at a little faster speed. But, I have zero experience with this cartridge.

Would love to hear any hard data about case capacity and chrony readings.
Doubt it could match the .264 win. mag. but it should be similar in speed to the 25-06 with better bullet selections.
All things being the same, a 6.5-06 will push the same weight bullets a bit slower than a 270 Win. Maybe 100fps. The difference is the number of sleek, VLD type bullets available in 6.5.
The 6.5-06 is a great choice. Neck up 25-06 brass or neck down 270win but you will need to trim them then.
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