5 things about you.

Here's my take.

Ok, I shook Clinton's hand. Many people don't like him, at all. That's ok, he's flawed.

John Wayne is not my favorite actor, many people really like him, he too is flawed. Ok as well.

John Wayne did not need to say boo, let alone give a stranger a beer, actually two beers. There are many sides to every person. Here, Wayne showed a good generous side.
Here's my take.

Ok, I shook Clinton's hand. Many people don't like him, at all. That's ok, he's flawed.

John Wayne is not my favorite actor, many people really like him, he too is flawed. Ok as well.

John Wayne did not need to say boo, let alone give a stranger a beer, actually two beers. There are many sides to every person. Here, Wayne showed a good generous side.
You forgot some people just need to be arrogant, know-it-all, always right jerks.
5 is really impressive. I hope I can do 7 without the plate at your age.
I can’t do 7 without the plate now and I’m considered in decent shape by most of my hunting friends. Absolutely impressive!!
I'll add a #6 also.

Many years ago now I used to play a fair amount of basketball.

There was a good player at MSU-B named Troy Truvillion. He used to play in some pick up games at the Y. I usually had to guard him, if he was on the other team. So, a year or so after he left Billings a friend called me and told me to turn on ESPN.

This must have been in 92 when the dream team was put together. Anyway the American team was playing the French team. Somehow, Truvillion was playing for that team and guarding Micheal Jordan. He hacked him a few times. So, I told my friend that I've hacked the guy who hacked Jordan.
1. I shook Justin Timberlake's hand and told him I didnt like the movie trolls (he didnt either)
2. I dangled out the back of a v22 osprey while it was taking off
3. When I was 5 I stuck my hand in a early generation elliptical machine and cut my finger nearly off (hanging by the skin)
4. I had rescued one of my marines multiple times from Toby's Strip club after he failed to pay his bar tab. He spent all his money on lap dances from a porn star that was visiting (she was a famous one).
5. I pooped out the back of a v22 osprey while in flight (separate event from #2) We were flying over New Orleans.
1. Love John Wayne movies. Hellfighters is my favorite
2. Married 33 years with 3 successful sons and dils.
3. Left farming at 24. Had a career. Retired and went back to farming.
4. Dropped a pickup through the ice on Lake Elwell.
5. Have never hunted outside MT
Since everyone is bringing up celebrities, Ill pile on. But first, let me add that John Wayne movies are lame.

My first job was as a caddy at a PGA-level golf course. Dad would drop me off on his way to work, then he would pick me up after work. The course was closed on Monday so theyd have me power washing stuff and cleaning windows on Monday. I hated Monday, except when they had celebrities playing golf which they allowed on Monday's. Roger Clemens (sportsball guy), a bunch of Philadelphia Eagles players (late 90s, I didnt follow sports), Bill Goldberg, etc. They also called me up one Friday evening and pleaded with me to come in to caddy for a writer for one of the golf magazines who was playing over the weekend because I was their best caddy. I didnt work weekends, but dad drove me in. Never read the article, but apparently I did OK.

I should add, I was bad at actual golfing. Still am, probably (cant be sure since I havent touched a club in 20 years or so, but I might have gotten better - one never knows!).

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