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5 things about you.

wow, imagine if you said Yes and told the USN to stuff it? Decisions we make in life huh....
I told the Army to stuff it and enlisted in the Navy, mom signed. I was against the war.
6 months later I was there in a BBR, manning the duece. Chief drew a peace symbol on the right side of my helmet and the skull & crossbones on the other. 2 tours.

I liked most of Waynes films, the good and bad.
Many actors stayed out of WWII. Many did not.

Reagan was a B at best and dodged everything. Moved into the uppers of the SAG , a dem. Mc Carthy had dirt on him and he sang like a bird. Next thing ya know he's running for office. GOP
1. Shook hands with a couple different Idaho governors and one disgraced senator
2. Almost lost my gall bladder after a long relay race
3. Smacked an angry cow moose in the nose with the butt of a shotgun
4. Have pictures in a couple different reloading manuals and did some unpaid test shooting for one
5. Touched multiple live grizzlies
Some pretty cool folks on here. Wish I could hunt for an afternoon with each of you.

1- Got stuck in the foot at age 8 with a pitchfork after feeding the calves while hurrying home for family movie night. Watched the movie with my foot in salt water.

2- Caught a 50-lb Dorado in Mexico and he was delicious that evening

3- Published author

4- Only person in my family to receive a doctorate degree

5- Spent two years in Southeast Asia and learned Sinhala. Love curry to this day.
1) Played in Irish Gaelic Football Finals (notice I didn't say won).
2) Watched car bombs explode.
3) Had to put may hands in the air, along a dark road late at night, while a machine gun was pointed at my back by a nervous soldier. Ha.
4) Got to play on soccer teams with all my sons.
5) Won snooker tournaments.
1) Played in Irish Gaelic Football Finals (notice I didn't say won).
2) Watched car bombs explode.
3) Had to put may hands in the air, along a dark road late at night, while a machine gun was pointed at my back by a nervous soldier. Ha.
4) Got to play on soccer teams with all my sons.
5) Won snooker tournaments.
*narrows eyes*

Your list is leading me to believe youre Irish.


1. Went to the state geography bee back in the day - did OK
2. Shot the last grouse killed in the previous millennium. On 12/31/99 I stalked and ground swatted one during the last minute of shooting light
3. During college I once turned down a couple coeds that wanted to come back to my place and spend the night - just the three of us. Worked out as i probably wouldn’t have met my wife a few weeks later if I’d gone down that rabbit hole.
4. I’ve seen a UFO - twice. Both times I was night fishing for brown trout
5. Had a co-worker whose husband died - he hunted a lot. Helped their 11 year old son get his hunter safety and shoot his first two bucks with his dad’s 7mm-08
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1. My brother and I developed a love of fishing and hunting as children, and totally out of the blue. No one else in our family was into this stuff, or had much to teach us.

2. I killed my first deer at age 25, with a longbow that I carved out of an ash tree I cut down with my dad.

3. A painting of me is on the cover of a book.

4. I've gotten to know, and worked with literally thousands of kids in my life and I remember a shocking number of their names.

5. I am passably competent at many things and not really great at any.
You know those bars and restaurants that have all the pictures of celebrities on the walls? Sounds like your life!
I was working when I met most of the famous folks in my life. Construction work and weird gigs I'd get from folks.
My dads boss got me security gigs at the Oscars ,twice. He was the best. The guy owned the Pitney Boze pattens. On the board of TransAmerica.

I was working for my uncle installing a sculpture on Wilshire during the filming of Beverly Hills Cop. He shut down the shoot when they complained about us being in the lobby of the bank Eddy Murphy got throw out the window.
David made one call and the garbage men and city street guys blocked all the movie equipment on the street. LOL
I sat quietly and watched the action drinking coffee on the scaffold. Between takes. We got the nebula of brass hanging on time.
David played poker with Steve McQueen. He taught me to ride motorcycles. Met Paul Newman at the studio too.
Have the Nazi helmet he grabbed off a Hells Angles bike after they crashed his 38th Annual Up Your Kite contest @Venice Beach.
It was the 38th every year...handmade kites only. He broke some Angels kites. Store bought. LOL
He left me his hat collection. At least a hundred hats.

My bro got me jobs where I met the rockers. Topanga & the Bu. We built the 1st geo-domed house ok'ed by LA county .

Installed hundred of feet of hand carved rosewood crown molding in Wilt Chamberlains place. 2 doors.
Neked chicks walking around. LOL

I've never even been to the midwest. DC twice. BC,Mexico, Nam.
1. Went to the state geography bee back in the day - did OK
2. Shot the last grouse killed in the previous millennium. On 12/31/99 I stalked and ground swatted one during the last minute of shooting light
3. During college I once turned down a couple coeds that wanted to come back to my place and spend the night - just the three of us. Worked out as i probably wouldn’t have met my wife a few weeks later if I’d gone down that rabbit hole.
4. I’ve seen a UFO - twice. Both times I was night fishing for brown trout
5. Had a co-worker whose husband died - he hunted a lot. Helped their 11 year old son get his hunter safety and shoot his first two bucks with his dad’s 7mm-08
Are you sure re 2? In one of those, were they high moments?...Officially, the new millennium began at zero hour, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), also referred to as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), on January 1, 2001, according to rules adopted at an international conference held in October 1884.
Hank, I think your memoirs would be a best seller!
I almost became a writer. Brains too scrambled, too much input. Too many hits.
Got half way thru a script for mollywood. "Letters to Grandpa", the Nam,PBR's etc.
I started drinking instead.
Are you sure re 2? In one of those, were they high moments?...Officially, the new millennium began at zero hour, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), also referred to as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), on January 1, 2001, according to rules adopted at an international conference held in October 1884.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it
I almost became a writer. Brains too scrambled, too much input. Too many hits.
Got half way thru a script for mollywood. "Letters to Grandpa", the Nam,PBR's etc.
I started drinking instead.
Well I'm sure if I ever shared some pie with you I would be entertained for hours!
1. Managed to survive fathering and helping raise two boys, now 34 and 31.
2. Somehow have stayed married to the most wonderful woman in the world. So glad she has low standards in men.
3. Coached high school soccer for seven years, after refereeing about that long. After going over to the dark side, went to final four twice and playoffs four times.
4. Been shooting traditional/primitive muzzleloaders for almost 40 years.
5. Fell in love with New Mexico as a boy scout, at Philmont Scout Ranch in 1974. After listening to me for 30 years, my wife said OK and we moved here in 2015.


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