PEAX Equipment

308 ammo


New member
Aug 20, 2024
I recently bought a new 308 first one I've ever owned I only hunt in pretty thick woods occasionally fields wats a good deer round for 308
I'd love to see how those tipped do for whatever reason I've never had a gun that would shoot a Hornady worth a dime but one an shot em quite well
I used Hornady American whitetail 150 grain to sight in my .308 and they were very accurate in my rifle.
They get pretty good reviews too.
I handload, so I don’t hunt with them, but I would hunt with them if I didn’t handload.
those ballistic tips shoot nice outta my .308 as well. Funny enough it put down a cow elk with one shot to the front shoulder but my last whitetail swallowed 3 shots. Just goes to show placement is everything.
The Hornady American Whitetails in 150 or 165 will suit you perfectly fine for normal whitetail ranges in thick woods. I killed a small trainload of deer with the 150gr. SST in the Superformance line earlier in my hunting career-- they are absolute hell on deer, but slightly more pricy.
I've had good luck with Remington 150 gr core lokt. If you like all copper try the Federal premium load with the 165 grain barnes tsx.
I love the 308 for deer. I have primarily shot Hornady in some 168gr configurations. I've shot lead and copper and like both for different reasons. My observation is that it maxes out its potential at about 350-400 yards. I'm considering shooting HSM this year for no other reason than to mix it up and shoot a Montana-based product.
Assumption, since you did say thick thick woods…if it groups 1.5 MOA, you’re good.

If you are not copper limited, the cheapest soft point (*not FMJ) you can find will do the job.

I found that the cheapest 150gr. Winchester white-box, the 150gr Federal Blue Box and 150 gr. Norma Whitetail ammo all group 1” or better in my rifle. All run 2700-ish at the same point of impact. So, not exactly much to think about.

as a friend of mine once said…”deer just don’t need a whole lotta killin’”

For Deer sub 300 yards, if it groups well, it kills well. Don’t over think it.