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30 Day Background Check


but I do know a few people who are not all that happy with the new law that was introduced last month or even the move last year to ban so called "assault rifles"

for a little comedy relief in regards to last years announcement. Inuits were exempt from the initial directive and these comments were heard:

" because I am white, I can not keep my AR-15 ?--that is racist"

" For the first time in history the indians will be able to outgun the cowboys"

" They get to keep them and hunt with them, just like their ancestors did--please ! "
Yeah, the recent fiddling around with AR restrictions was entirely for looks and nonsense. A bigger laugh was allocating $85M COVID relief for native communities because they have been so badly impacted by pandemic lockdowns. They all were out of work from jobs they never had. I'm hard pressed to understand how isolated native communities were more severely impacted with stay at home orders than folks who lived in the cities. Again, just a lot of expensive politically correct feel good nonsense.
random thoughts
1) If it takes thirty days...something is broke. We need a better system. Dont take that as an Endorsement to mean that a background check shouldn't take place, a handful of business days seems reasonable for a complex check.
2) The goal should be that The vast majority( think 99.99 %) should be completed in minutes not hours.
3) i'm sure some type of TSA pre-check can be established. especially for people that pass the background check however their name or information for whatever reason caused a past check to be complex.
This whole concept seems weird to me, we have to have a firearms license here in Canada. These firearms licenses are technically checked daily against criminal databases. So technically, firearms license holders have daily background checks done. I can drop by any firearm store or website and leave with as many rifles as I want the same day. The only caveat being restricted firearms such as pistol, those require a transport authorization which can take fromn1 hour or a couple days.

How else am I supposed to be irresponsible with my money?!?!?!

Having a firearms license/card doesn't mean you own firearms or that the gov't knows which and how many you own. It simply prevents people who have firearms prohibitions from buying them legally. It also makes the purchasing process stupid quick which is bad for my wallet but good for sellers.

I'd made more extensive comments about the issues trying to do that kinda of system in this tread, but

The US has 30x the number of guns Canada has so building that kinda system is cost/logistically prohibitive.

Generally speaking I find comparisons of the US to any other country a little hard simply because of scale and diversity. The only kinda working comparison would be the entire EU, and that has issues.
But basically the problem is making laws that work for the states of California, Mississippi, Alaska, and Massachusetts which is kinda like trying to have laws that work in France, Croatia, Cyprus, and Sweden.
I think I agree with the above comment that this is a delay for the sake of delay, isn’t it?
A bigger laugh was allocating $85M COVID relief for native communities because they have been so badly impacted by pandemic lockdowns. They all were out of work from jobs they never had.
Ouch ! and IMHO, wrong thread.
The US has 30x the number of guns Canada has so building that kinda system is cost/logistically prohibitive.

Generally speaking I find comparisons of the US to any other country a little hard simply because of scale and diversity.

I agree. The laws up here regarding hunting and firearms vary between The Territories and Provinces and IMHO are even more restrictive than those in the U.S., but as you have noticed from the post's on this thread, opinions vary.
I think I agree with the above comment that this is a delay for the sake of delay, isn’t it?

There seem to be two competing narratives here, and a basic premises. Seems like most of the thread generally agree, there are certain individuals who have lost the right to own a gun. I'm sure we don't agree on the full list of people, but I think we all agree there are some.

So given that list, the mechanism to make sure they don't purchase a gun at a store, legally, is a background check.

Therefore two seeming motivations for the law;

1. 30 days provides extra time in those instances where life is complicated, and perhaps protects LEOs from having to remove recently purchased guns from folks who are on "the list"

2. The measure is a extra hurdle to make purchasing guns, more onerous to dissuade law abiding people from owning guns in order to decrease the number of guns in circulation.

I can see it both ways.
There may be 30x more guns in US than Canada but that excuse doesn't seem to wash. The present US system of doing background checks piecemeal for every gun purchased has to be just as expensive to run. Probably more expensive. Certainly more than 30x inefficient. If federal licensing makes gun trafficking safer for the public and easier for legitimate gun owners, it's worth the cost. Anyway, it's not like retroactive registration of all guns. This is about licensing gun owners, not guns.
Wouldn’t it be easier to license people that can’t be gun owners?
We all have IDs or drivers licenses. That shows whether or not we are 18/21. There’s also a registered felon data base.
I’m assuming the instant check queries this info? Is that right? If we aren’t in there or in a few other databases, then we get the gun right?
Wouldn’t it be easier to license people that can’t be gun owners?
We all have IDs or drivers licenses. That shows whether or not we are 18/21. There’s also a registered felon data base.
I’m assuming the instant check queries this info? Is that right? If we aren’t in there or in a few other databases, then we get the gun right?
More or less. But it's complicated. Some states check the database themselves, some use the FBI to check it.

Then there is the "list" I talked about with certain disqualifiers not showing up or one's that are hard to check. For instance mental health, hippa issues. Domestic violence stuff may not be in the database, various pending status. (This is a quick summary of what others have brought up).

So, "in theory" for most people it would be a quick process but the extra time would be for messy situations.

For me at least the, they will take talk all 30 days argument is valid. That does seem to be how things go.
I'm not trying to do anything, other than have a conversation.

Blow your lid on someone else bro, you are talking to a gun owner, who has on numerous occasions commented on the unreasonableness of various firearm laws, and who has at length provided explanations about why various new laws are untenable.

If your so triggered by the topic you cant be reasonable then don't read the thread.

This is not to say you don't make valid points, but the tone is obnoxious.
I did not blow my lid , I’m fine you just want a conversation on something that’s only purpose is to take away more rights or make law abiding citizens more inconvenienced. This 30 day waiting period won’t do a thing in my opinion. Triggered or not I find it funny that you don’t want to hear any opinions that are strong against yours , I find that obnoxious but I don’t try to silence you. Truthfully I find this type of conversation as offensive , I see no reason to let this power intoxicated administration have any input into gun control laws till I see who is really behind the curtain .
I'm not trying to do anything, other than have a conversation.

Blow your lid on someone else bro, you are talking to a gun owner, who has on numerous occasions commented on the unreasonableness of various firearm laws, and who has at length provided explanations about why various new laws are untenable.

If your so triggered by the topic you cant be reasonable then don't read the thread.

This is not to say you don't make valid points, but the tone is obnoxious.
I have no tone , I just don’t agree with your logic. May I suggest if you don’t want my type opinion don’t engage in this type of conversation .
It would be interesting to see which States have enacted the most, and the strictest, gun restrictions on its citizens, and what the political makeup is of those States ! I would imagine most of the hurdles that are required to be negotiated are found in Blue States rather than Red. Even though we are protected by the 2A, States can make the price for that coverage to be expensive and difficult as a deterrent !
Triggered or not I find it funny that you don’t want to hear any opinions that are strong against your
I welcome opinions that are different from mine, in fact on most threads where I'm taking shit it's because I'm eliciting opinions that are different.

I'm just asking you to respond in the same way you would someone around a campfire.
Personally I’m against this I do feel if a criminal wants to hurt or kill someone they will find a way with or with out a waiting period and this will inconvenience law abiding citizens and have little to no effect on criminals.
I'm just asking you to respond in the same way you would someone around a campfire.
Wow , maybe this is the reason I don’t get invited to campfires ? Lol look I’m not trying to offend anyone but this is a time where we must as gun owners put our heals in the ground and say no , we are not the problem and we have given enough . I get it , your a analytical guy trying to get a open conversation going but the anti gun people will take all you give them and want more. For years I voted issues and the candidate , I’m an Citizen first gun owner/ hunter second. I realize now they are the same and I’m tired of being the whipping boy to the anti’s !
Wow , maybe this is the reason I don’t get invited to campfires ? Lol look I’m not trying to offend anyone but this is a time where we must as gun owners put our heals in the ground and say no , we are not the problem and we have given enough . I get it , your a analytical guy trying to get a open conversation going but the anti gun people will take all you give them and want more. For years I voted issues and the candidate , I’m an Citizen first gun owner/ hunter second. I realize now they are the same and I’m tired of being the whipping boy to the anti’s !
Yeah I don't get invited because I show up with a 12 pack of la Croix and try to assign people homework ;)

I can certainly respect being a issue voter on guns, I feel similarly about a couple of issues, for instance public lands.
Do most know that the current law allows three days? How many have had to wait 3 days because of federal law? I bet the vast majority here have not had to wait at all. They fill out there background and move on.

There are so many nuances that take time to figure out. Weather or not a person is prohibited is not cut and dry. There are several states (Montana being one) that has automatic restoration of firearms rights for some felonies. Domestic Violence conviction is not always a prohibitor depending on the state of conviction (Wyoming US v Hays). Temporary restraining orders may or may not be prohibitors. The list goes on.. For the vast majority of people, the stats are well over 98%, their backgrounds checks go through without any delay.

Also for clarification...this does not give ATF any more power over anything. This law would have absolutely nothing to do with the ATF.
I haven't read all of this thread, so this may have been brought up already. The 30 day wait is nothing more than a political stunt. The NICS check will be the one they still rely on, rather that's the 'instant' version or the 'let's wait 30 days & then run the instant check.' I just ended my FFL business, but here in WA they went to a mandatory wait on hand guns even for concealed-carry license holders, along with extra paper work going to the sheriff's department. The sheriff was already swamped with other paper work, new training regulations, etc., etc. The waiting period had no extra checks and in the end the NICS check simply said proceed or not, just with an added delay.
Wouldn’t it be easier to license people that can’t be gun owners?
We all have IDs or drivers licenses. That shows whether or not we are 18/21. There’s also a registered felon data base.
I’m assuming the instant check queries this info? Is that right? If we aren’t in there or in a few other databases, then we get the gun right?
Agree. Make them register like the sex offenders have to register.
Do most know that the current law allows three days? How many have had to wait 3 days because of federal law? I bet the vast majority here have not had to wait at all. They fill out there background and move on.

There are so many nuances that take time to figure out. Weather or not a person is prohibited is not cut and dry. There are several states (Montana being one) that has automatic restoration of firearms rights for some felonies. Domestic Violence conviction is not always a prohibitor depending on the state of conviction (Wyoming US v Hays). Temporary restraining orders may or may not be prohibitors. The list goes on.. For the vast majority of people, the stats are well over 98%, their backgrounds checks go through without any delay.

Also for clarification...this does not give ATF any more power over anything. This law would have absolutely nothing to do with the ATF.
If the 3 day maximum is working, why do we need a 30 day max wait?
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