$3.5 Million Disqualified Marlin...


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2019
The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament wrapped up last week. I don't really follow it, but usually read some stories that come out of it. This one is mighty controversial...

I guess if you're reeling in a 620lb Blue Marlin and a 3-4ft shark comes and takes a bite out of it, you're disqualified :rolleyes:

It'll be interesting to see what comes of the appeal...
This isn't that controversial. It's a longstanding rule that they've DQ'd other fish for before. Sensation's captain rolled the dice hoping they'd get lucky and it would be overlooked but it wasn't (he laughably claims they didnt notice when they pulled this fish out). Lawsuit is totally bogus in my opinion.
I was streaming the weigh in, they hoooked up around 2pm IIRC, was following notifactions on their app...I knew when I saw the bite it was gonna be DQed. From what I have gathered after a couple of hours on the line it dove to 1000'ish feet and died, heart attacks aren't uncommon in this senerio..I am thinking it probably got bit when they were winching the dead fish up to the boat.

I will be very surprised if the appeal goes anywhere. It's been a long standing tournament rule.
My only experience with tournaments is walleye tournaments. Maybe that's why it seems weird that they'd disqualify a fish for having been attacked when pulling it in.
silly ruling to me. if the guy fought it for 6 hours it was not hurt very bad.
It may be but they left the dock knowing the rules....can't bitch and moan when they don't go your way.

Skip Hook's dolphin was the payout...540k for 59# dolphin...thats around $9152 bucks a pound, great day on the water...at least their fuel bill and entry fees will be covered.
Wouldn’t a bite only make the fish lighter? What’s the point of that rule?
Wouldn’t a bite only make the fish lighter? What’s the point of that rule?
Its modeled after submission rules for IGFA world records, see rule #2 under reason for disqualifications. It specifically mentions shark bites. It's my understanding they want the fish to at its full strength during the fight to qualify for a world record.
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