Caribou Gear

Public Perception of Hunters

One thing we as Americans need to do more.of is differentiate ourselves from other countries. We hear these stories of other countries fishing or hunting their lands into extinction all the while no one main stream is talking about how well America is managed generally speaking. I was listening to either the Wild Times Podcast or Meat Eater and they had 2 Safari Guides from Africa on that were here doing some American Hunts. Those men were astounded at the American Models. We need to have more mainstream coverage of American successes.
The instafamous hunting celebrities and you tube experts deserve a big share of the blame, but I'll let Matt Rinella smack them.

What doesn't get discussed enough, is tge perception created by the newer fad of "conservation tags" The public doesn't support trophy hunting. Imagine how much they support $fw, or other groups, as well as g/f agencies auctioning off deer for $400,000, or elk for 364 day harassment. These tags reinforce a narrative of bloodlust and trophy and because of tge huge sums, it gets broadcast out into the public. No amount of not displaying dead animals in a truck makes up for Jimmy John's tag buying g and trigger pulling.

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