.270 as an elk round

I’d use whatever is most accurate in the rifle. Every .277 cal bullet is designed to operate at 270 Winchester velocities. Put it where it belongs and good things will happen
That’s crazy talk.

I think you should sell the rifle and get yourself a 6.8x06. It’s a ground breaking new wildcat. Only to coolest cats on the interwebs, and highest performing NRL Hunter contestants have heard of it.
Maybe Hornady Superperformance copper got better but my experience shooting two elk with 130gr copper was pencil hole performance. Hard to find elk, extended trail length with no blood trails.

Called Hornady and the reps response on the phone was the elk died, why call.

They’ll never see a dime of my money again.
I've never shot the Hornady Superformance GMX load. The CX does replace the GMX in the Hornady product line. It is said to perform better at longer range. Brymoore obviously had a bad experience with the round and the customer service response to his inquiry. I would have hoped for (expected) a more engaged response too.
I've never shot the Hornady Superformance GMX load. The CX does replace the GMX in the Hornady product line. It is said to perform better at longer range. Brymoore obviously had a bad experience with the round and the customer service response to his inquiry. I would have hoped for (expected) a more engaged response too.
The bull in the avatar went down like it was struck by lightening on the fist shot with a 130gr GMX Superformance. It was a perfect double lung shot at 200 yards. The exit hole was the size of a nickel. Yes I would shoot that ammo at an elk again. I let the rifle tell me what load it wants. IMO the standard twist rate 1:10 is a little slow for a 150gr. I would go with a 1:9 twist. Inside of 400 yards probably makes no difference though. The retention weight of a mono is typically much higher than a bonded core. But then 2K FPS is typically needed for proper mono expansion.

i shoot the normal AB out of my 300 win mag and I believe the minimal velocity Nosler touts for best terminal performance is 1800 fps. Nosler talks about the difference for the ABLR is that the best terminal performance is above 1300fps. I do know that 130gr bullet leaving the snout at 3100fps is going to knock the snot out of something.

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That’s crazy talk.

I think you should sell the rifle and get yourself a 6.8x06. It’s a ground breaking new wildcat. Only to coolest cats on the interwebs, and highest performing NRL Hunter contestants have heard of it.
Don’t forget it’s newer, more “efficient” cousin, the 6.8x06 Creedmoor
I've killed 4 elk with my 6.8-06. One with core lokts, one with 150 gr. sst, and the others with a bonded bullet not sure maybe a speer variety. If I did my part it took one shot. If I messed up it took more than one shot. Never shot an elk with it and lost it. I would imagine the 130 grain fusion would work fine. I've seen a one shot kill on a mature oryx bull with the 130 grain fusion.
My son will be shooting a .270 this fall and this will be his first season elk hunting. What would you recommend for an elk hunting bullet? I don’t reload, so I need to find some factory ammo. I currently have some Federal 130gr fusions, but I’m thinking He might need some thing in 150gr. and maybe a different bullet than the fusions.
270 is a great round for elk.
My son will be shooting a .270 this fall and this will be his first season elk hunting. What would you recommend for an elk hunting bullet? I don’t reload, so I need to find some factory ammo. I currently have some Federal 130gr fusions, but I’m thinking He might need some thing in 150gr. and maybe a different bullet than the fusions.
150 is better. I’ve shot many elk with my 270. Love it.
I found some 150gr Nosler Partitions yesterday, but at $65 per box, I had to pass.
If you're looking for ammo, here's a good price. Shipping rates sort of force you to buy multiple boxes to make it pencil out:

I have had fusions in other calibers so weird thing on whitetails, like shatter on ribs. I would keep the 270 and find a mono or an Accubond/partition like stated above.
Since this thread got bumped, @Southern Elk, did your boy whack one with the 270 this year?

I'd not hesitate to use 130 fusions on elk for a second.
Many years ago got my first elk with 270 Win and a handload of Reloader 22 @ 58.0 with 150gr Nosler Part and many caribou in Alaska.
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