Yeti GOBOX Collection

26 year wait - Utah elk hunt

Congratulations on a beautiful bull. Your hunts are always epic and that shows the kind of hunter you are. I always look forward to your recaps. Thanks for sharing
That is a damn awesome bull. Jealous doesn’t even begin to describe the way elk like that make me feel.
That is a damn awesome bull. Jealous doesn’t even begin to describe the way elk like that make me feel.
It’s a great bull, the hunting there was even way, way better. When I saw this bull I had no intention of trying for him initially, as there were 2 much better bulls there the evening prior. But I decided to cow call and see what he did, he was alone at 116 yards.

The evening before he had a couple cows that were stolen by a fantastic dream type bull. I watched that huge bull kick another bull’s ass that was likely also better than the one I shot. Then that same evening while heading back toward where I was camped just before dark I saw two more big bulls from a distance in this league or better. FIVE B&C type bulls in 2.5 hours - one was in the 390-400 range I believe.

Anyhow, back to yesterday AM. I left my new campsite which was in the middle of a pre-daylight bugle frenzy, which had been going on since at least the evening prior when I moved my camp there, intended for the duration. When I got close to where I’d seen the bulls the evening before, I spotting this guy. But this particular bugle frenzy was in a pocket above him. I was heading for the timbered draw above him and we crossed paths. He was alone and bugling so I spotted him first.

I let out 2 soft cow calls. He instantly bugled the started coming my way. I was kneeling and had my phone out and was going to video, but then thought maybe I should put an arrow on as he was a pretty nice bull. I nocked one and grabbed my rangefinder. 89, 77, 65, 54, bugle, 45, 35, put down the rangefinder and he was roughly 20 yards walking straight at me and bugled. It blew my hair back. As he was bugling I drew and he instantly spotted me, jumped, turned and started to bolt. I was at full draw but had a diaphragm call in my mouth and cow called. He stopped at around 30 yards and gave me a perfect broadside shot.

When I let that arrow go, I knew it was all over. When it hit him he jumped and started to run. I cow called once and he stopped and looked back at me. I could see blood just gushing out of his chest. I thought “wow I gotta get this on video” and started to reach for my phone, then thought “no I need to shoot again he’s still up”. I reached for another arrow but just then he started to wobble and fell over 15 yards from where he was shot.

The entire time I spent dressing him, there were bugling bulls sounding off around me. I had a dialogue going for the last few weeks with a local who had mules. A brief inreach conversation resulted in 2 terrific local guys with pack animals at the kill at 6pm. I was around 5 miles in, but the gain to the trailhead would have really sucked without that help. Thank you @Big Sky for all the hospitality, help, connections and support over the last few months. It was hugely valuable and very appreciated.

This was without a doubt one of the very best elk hunting experiences I’ve had, the best hunting by a long ways, beautiful place, ridiculous elk quality, and super kind locals. I had good weather also.

I met a few of the other archery hunters. The other non resident drew the random tag with only 4 points. Had lunch with him at beaver taco last week. He showed up 5 days before his guided hunt started and has been seeing a ton of action. I hope he scores on a monster and I’m betting he will. Another UT resident hunter and I have been keeping in touch since the draw results and sharing info. Last night I told him there is no possible way he could have a better plan than to backpack it into where I hunted. Swarms of big bulls bugling all day. I gave him coordinates to my worlds best elk campsite (which I only stayed one night at) and told him about the giant 6 with crazy whale tails I’d see the day before I killed one. He’s in there now and I hope he connects with a great one.

My ultimate campsite may not look like much, but there is unlikely to ever be a better one I’ll get to stay at in my life.

I was excited —

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The symmetry on that bull is great! Was the first thing I noticed.

Question is: Would you go back without a tag? I.e. someone you know draws the tag and you have to decide between your OTC Montana elk hunt over helping out someone there. What are you doing?

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