2025 Colorado NR Archery Elk Point Creep

What do you think will happen?

  • We will see a big jump in point creep?

    Votes: 13 41.9%
  • Hunters will switch to OTC rifle and still build points?

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • Many folks will give up on Colorado altogether?

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • People will start hunting other western states more often?

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Other... Respond in the comments

    Votes: 5 16.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2020
Orem, Utah
Following the decision in 2024 to switch all NR to a draw for archery elk tags. I am wondering what people will predict for 2025...
You won't notice too much of a difference. There will be plenty of tags to be had. My real question is and maybe they have made the decisions and I missed but we are 1 month away from applying and have no idea if it's going to be single units or blocks of units or how they plan to do the NR archery
I am glad I cashed in my points last year. It's going to be interesting to watch how this plays out, but I have a lot less 'skin in the game' now with zero points than when I had double-digit points.
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You won't notice too much of a difference. There will be plenty of tags to be had. My real question is and maybe they have made the decisions and I missed but we are 1 month away from applying and have no idea if it's going to be single units or blocks of units or how they plan to do the NR archery
I was thinking the same thing the other day after talking to a non-resident friend of mine. Haven't heard much at all about any of this.

To the OP's question, I think the intelligent folks will continue to gain preference points and hunt their old OTC unit on a 2nd choice tag. This will probably work for the majority of those units. I think you'll also have people dump whatever points they have to continue drawing their old OTC unit, because they will just apply for the unit as a first choice. And you'll maybe have some point creep, especially in the lower-point units, from people who don't want to "waste their points drawing an old OTC unit" (even though they probably wouldn't have to, like I said before). Just my two cents...
Whenever a state restricts something for NR, it is crazy how much overreaction there is. This will be no different.

Look at what happened in ID - as soon as they capped the NR sales and moved the sale to December, it became a feast on OTC tags.

All of these tags should be able to be easily picked up on 2nd choice but the reality is that I bet a majority of them will require 1st choice to get it 100%.
I'm wondering if we will see which of the OTC Archery units have been the most attractive based on the draw results.

For example, the more attractive old-OTC units now requiring x-number of points versus the less-attractive ones having leftover OTC tags.
I think most of those otc units will be second choice. Heck, I think there are plenty of people who have no idea about the changes coming. I wouldn’t burn any points right now on a “use to be” otc unit. I’d try for second choice or leftover, you’ll get one.
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