2025 application plan poll

How many big game applications are you APPLYING for compared to last year

  • More

  • Same

  • Less

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You didn't put in NONE. I don't hunt out of state for big game. Never have probably never will. I'm not greedy and I don't have anything to prove to myself or the world. I know who I am and what I can do and CAN'T do.
I bet you're a ball at parties! My parents always told me there's almost nothing you can't do if you work hard enough. Also if you didn't apply last year and won't this year then SAME sounds like it fits just fine.
Much less for me. My daughter has some medical expenses that our health insurance is completely screwing us over on. It’s been a pretty significant and completely unexpected financial hit. So, my funds for applications this year are basically zero. To say I’m completely disappointed in our healthcare system right now is an understatement.

I have 14 or so Wyoming antelope points I should burn. I’ll probably apply in AZ for long-shot elk so I don’t lose my loyalty point and then maybe do Wyoming antelope if it makes sense. If not, I’ll stay in MN and spend a little extra time trapping and bird hunting with the new pup.
Much less for me. My daughter has some medical expenses that our health insurance is completely screwing us over on. It’s been a pretty significant and completely unexpected financial hit. So, my funds for applications this year are basically zero. To say I’m completely disappointed in our healthcare system right now is an understatement.

I have 14 or so Wyoming antelope points I should burn. I’ll probably apply in AZ for long-shot elk so I don’t lose my loyalty point and then maybe do Wyoming antelope if it makes sense. If not, I’ll stay in MN and spend a little extra time trapping and bird hunting with the new pup.
That sucks. Sorry to hear it, but not suprised either.
My strategy has changed 10 times already and will change at least another 50 times between now and the end of application season, so take this response for what it's worth...

I was very aggressive in my applications last year and ended up with a very busy hunt schedule in 2024. My freezer is full nigh unto bursting, my vacation hours at work have been depleted, and I'm tired (though very satisfied). I'm going to cut back a bit this year. I have an Idaho elk tag and should have a pretty good shot at drawing another cow elk tag in either WY or UT. Beyond that, I'll be shooting for dream hunts that I don't have a high probability of drawing.
My annual tag count is pretty significant due to great opportunities with state and tribal license options and the family ranch for access. Just in SD between state and tribal tags I should have 2 rifle antelope tags, 4 rifle deer tags (3 buck, 1 doe), 2 archery buck tags, and at least a cow elk tag. My buddies and I also may do a cow elk hunt in Wy. Plus two kids with deer and antelope licenses….plenty.
With 2 points for Kansas Whitetail, that should be a lock. Add Vt and NY whitetail, Saskatchewan DIY waterfowl, and I’ll be busy enough.
Freezers pretty full so I'll cut back on my applications this season and build some points.

In south Dakota I'll maintain the normal number of applications but I don't think I'll plan on any out of state hunts this year. Who knows maybe with my luck I'll pull another miracle tag in south Dakota
If I draw a surprise elk tag, you might be called off the bench in September.
Current plan is apply for ID elk, deer and pronghorn; points for same in AZ and WY.
With 2 points for Kansas Whitetail, that should be a lock. Add Vt and NY whitetail, Saskatchewan DIY waterfowl, and I’ll be busy enough.
I should be in Kansas again as well, it's been two years since I had the tag and that's far too long. I love hunting that place.
If I draw a surprise elk tag, you might be called off the bench in September.
Well heck ya man. Of course and it would be dang fun chasing them again!

Who knows, maybe we'll hit the lotto and get a sheep tag in SD?! I mean only like 1:30,000 odds, but could be worse..... 😂
Current votes are 40/80/34, throw this top for some more partication. Early things started much more in favor of MORE or LESS votes, but after nearly a week SAME has pulled out to about what I expected results. Curious if this ends up matching odd changes we see from tag drawings.

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