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2024 Sask WT adventures

Had a little action this afternoon. Around 1 I had two young bucks come through together. Then later on had a doe come in and shortly after had a nice 6x4 come through. He was a main frame 5x4 with a split brow on one side. Nice mature buck. Right at dark had a doe come through. If the wind is right I’ll be back in that stand tomorrow grinding it out
Crawled into my stand around 11. Had to wait for the wind to swing a bit before I could sit. Did see a doe and fawn while replacing batteries in a different camera. Keep hoping to get lucky and see a locked down buck in some small patch of cover but no luck yet. Tuesday the temps supposed to drop a bit to high of -8c and lows in the -13c range so that should help.
Deer have been moving really good. Mostly does and fawns with a few small bucks. Weatherman has lied on wind direction so far. So far I have been sitting in the truck glassing hoping it switches so I can go sit. Had this guy follow a doe and a fawn about 200 yards from my truck while glassing


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