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2024 dreams and plans

Hoping we get more ice this year to get some time ice fishing. Then turkeys in IA plus will be first youth turkey hunts for 2 of my kids.

Chase more coyotes until it gets hot. And work with my new shorthair to get her tuned up for birds in fall.

Head to South Africa 2nd week of September with an uncle and good friend, 10 days there. Get back and pick up with Iowa youth deer season.

Archery here starts Oct 1, try to get out and a deer down before pheasant opener last Saturday of October.

Squeeze in as much other stuff as I can draw or have time for.
Wyoming lope, deer and elk
Colorado moose or bighorn
Northeast Missouri whitetail
Arkansas whitetail
Oklahoma hog hunt
North Texas sandhill crane………..etc,etc,etc…
Have you watched of Steve Hus' videos about local fishing?
I guess he could be a Randy competitor in a way so I won't post his URL.
North West Outdoor Adventures on Youtube.
I’ll check it out! I want to catch a huge carp from my kayak this year.
Hoping for a WY pronghorn tag
WY cow elk, maybe 2 depending on how other chips fall
Hope to pull an ES tag again in CO

Throwing darts at:
NM bull
WY bull
ID bull
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Slight deviation. I’m going to role with some short term smart goals. I teach this to my students. It’s all about setting yourself up to build momentum.

Step 1. Choose a goal that is challenging, achievable, measurable and builds momentum toward another goal.

Organize Kim and I’s hobby room, and set up my reloading station. The room is a mess, but I have a few days over Cmas break, and it will lead me to dialing in my 300 wm.

Step 2. Set actions in place. These have to be concrete and observable.

I will work for a minimum of 2 hours this coming Thursday to the task.

Step 3. Accountability. You need to share the plan with at least 1 other person and keep them in the know.

I shared it with you.
Harvesting Goals 2024:

1. Harvest a Monarch, Imperial or non-typical Bull Elk. Last 3 of my personal pursuit of each size within a species. (cow, spike, 2 point, 3 point etc.)

2. Harvest a 160+ buck. Whitetail or Muley.

3. Harvest a 14” Antelope buck.

Wait for it……all in my home state of……Montana. Public land or Block Management only.
I'm not sure about everything, but below is what I'm currently thinking.

I'm going to draw an early season CO high country muley rifle tag. I've been waiting to draw this tag for 3 years because of the dates.

I'm seriously considering starting to hunt the unlimiteds in MT.

I'm planning on burning my points in AZ for late season elk.

I guess I'll see what else I draw.
Jan Lion - Idaho
March - Red Stag, Argentina
May into mid-June - Spring Bear/turkey MT and ID
Sept - Archery Whitetail on my property in KY (Hopefully full velvet)
Oct - General Elk tag in Idaho
MT in the fall with an upland bird and cow tag in hand

Pending Draw:
Sept - General Elk, MT
Oct - PRonghorn - WY
Dec - Coues - AZ (should draw)
Several other draws across the west
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My 2023 summer/fall was really blown up. Makes it hard to commit to plans in 2024, so a bit of a loose schedule:
Jan/Feb - Burbot fishing a couple days at least. And catch some mountain whitefish.
Spring/early summer - catch a 40" pike from kayak. Throw in a few bass too. Hunt some turkeys. Maybe get out for bear.
Summer - fly fishing Idaho. A guided float on the Yellowstone, have a deposit from 2023 that had to be cancelled.
Sept - archery elk in Idaho. Location will depend on tag received in July frenzy.
Oct - slim odds at rifle pronghorn in ID, MT or WY. If no pronghorn, buy extra B tag in Idaho.
Nov - Possibly MT deer. Otherwise mule deer and whitetail in Idaho.
If I draw an Emperor Goose permit then I will be going to Cold Bay and Nelson Lagoon AK in November.

If I don’t draw then it will be a road trip to the Northeast for Black Ducks and Common Eider.

Maybe this Spring a road trip to Georgia to complete my World Turkey Slam with an Eastern.

With any luck big game draws in CA and AZ
1 - arizona mule deer / javelina archery and quail hunt
3 - keep working on building out of state points - hope to get lucky on one elk or deer permit, but not trying to burn points this year
4 - apply for NM exotics / other random draws if i have the extra $
5 - MT special draws probably just building points
6 - AK caribou in August
7 - MT archery elk - i only got out 3-4 days this year, that is unacceptable (moose hunting got in the way)
8 - MT antelope - yearly hunting party took a year off this year (youth hunt and friends went to NM Audad hunting)
Handful of turkey tags.
Lots of walleye fishing from home with the boy.
Alaska fishing trip in August.
Hail Mary apps for NM Oryx and elk.
Burned PPs on WY pronghorn last fall so this year will be a dart throw for a random draw tag.
Put in again for a WY cow tag.
Maybe burn MT pronghorn points? Might hold off another year until my boy is 5. I'd like to bring him on that one.
Going to do some sleuthing around for a CO deer unit that might be worth burning my points.
Probably a couple SD deer tags.
Going to try and get my wife to draw a SD cow tag.
Build some more points in WY, CO, and AZ.

Never really feels like I've got a lot going on until I put it all down on paper or into the calendar.

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