Caribou Gear

2024 dreams and plans

Ive got enough montana elk points to draw a relatively decent rifle bull tag so Im trying to figure out if I should burn my points in 24 or wait until next year. Hmmm decisions decisions.

This year I tried hard to focus my time, energy, and funds on another project that is coming along nicely, as opposed to hunting. In 24 I'm going to kill lots of things, thats for sure!
I had a great run the last five years and a good 2023 season. I think I will be putting in for far fewer tags than usual and more PPs and BPs. I plan on helping my daughter, son, and 79 year- old elk hunting mentor knock down some bulls.

Good luck to everyone in the draws.
I am swinging for the fences in 2024 in Arizona for deer ,elk ,sheep ,and pronghorn. Swinging for the fences for a Montana LE elk tag I want to hunt.

With the amount of money I am pouring into the remodel on my house and reforesting some land over the next year, the only way I can justify the time and expense of traveling out west for a couple of weeks is for one of my dream type tags.

Will plan a backpack hunt in Arkansas and as much hunting close to home as I can possibly muster since the odds of drawing what I apply for out west will be super slim.
My dream is for someone to tell me which units to hunt in WY for lopes and deer with the 10 points I have for each of them...and maybe even tie them up for me.

I'm not sure about 2024.....yet....
We’ve got a little human dependent joining us in the first half of 2024. My hunting next fall is going to be largely focused on the hopes of drawing a glory whitetail doe tag in the unit where I can hunt with a rifle less than 30min from the house. Planning to hunt the absolute heck out of turkeys this spring before life gets reeeeaaaal busy.
For sure plans so far include:
1st) A turkey hunt in Texas the second week of April.
2nd) Hunting South Africa for 9 days at the beginning of May. My first hunting trip out of the country and first time to Africa.
3rd) Deer hunt here in Oklahoma as usual and get my boy his first deer.

I've been spending a lot of time recently trying to come up with a game plan for my western hunts.

Plan A: WY antelope tag plus a type 6 cow tag would be perfect.

Plan B: If WY falls through try for a SD blackhills whitetail tag. Should be a slam dunk with 7 points.

Plan C/Wild Card: NM, ID moose, and CO leftover list can always change those plans.
Typically end up with more tags than time. Hopefully some fun hunts with family and friends
Number 1 goal: help my daughter who will be 10 and is all about hunting and wants to get a buck as big as her older brothers, find a good buck.
2: hopefully have a fun moose hunting experience in B.C. As itll likely be my only ever moose opportunity.
3: put more time in bowhunting deer as I haven’t had much time for that in September for several years.
4: just get my family out for as many hunting/fishing/outdoor experiences as possible.

Besides 1, not necessarily in that order.
Number 1 goal: help my daughter who will be 10 and is all about hunting and wants to get a buck as big as her older brothers, find a good buck.
2: hopefully have a fun moose hunting experience in B.C. As itll likely be my only ever moose opportunity.
3: put more time in bowhunting deer as I haven’t had much time for that in September for several years.
4: just get my family out for as many hunting/fishing/outdoor experiences as possible.

Besides 1, not necessarily in that order.
My 14 YO granddaughter is my hunting buddy now. It gets harder to schedule time as they get older. Now its sports, pep band, and high school social life.
She is holding out for the perfect deer. Loves fishing and upland hunting.
I still have one tag to hunt in ‘23 and another till 1/31. Both will be with my 7 year old daughter.

Next year, who knows but would love to end up in Alaska. Probably hunt my first white tail buck! Would love to have a pronghorn buck tag as this is the first year in 5 I didn’t have one. Other than that I have no idea, lots of irons in the fire and potential hunts but nothing is a sure thing for me this year.
I want to put in for some out of state tags, but Im headed back to Botswana with my father, so I have no more money. Fortunately I live in Montana and have a pile of resident tags.
My son in law shot our first beat ever this year. The quality of the meat and rendered fat is off the charts. Family has said, we need a bear every year. I still have my tag for the spring. I will be learning a lot about bear hunting this winter.
Birds until the end of January and maybe cats if we get any snow. Lanai, the middle of March. Turkeys, more turkeys, and maybe bears this spring with @trb if our schedules work out. Archery antelope in August and then General tags here in Idaho as I plan on drawing sheep somewhere in the Owyhee's. Kodiak, the middle of November. I may chase birds in SD at the end of October again unless Wyoming gives me an elk tag. Planning on a busy fall as usual, God willing, of course.
They've got my name written on a breaks sheep tag already, let's just hope they don't lose my address by spring!

I've got enough points in a lot of places to be dangerous, but nothing really a given unless I lower my standards. Likely just going to be luck of the draw. Hope something hits but planning on none.
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