2023 Nevada Draw Results

On a more accurate note.

If you have 30 points for desert sheep, your odds were 1/1819 of having the lowest random number.

Your real odds are slightly better than that because of course you have five choices, and some choices have more than one tag, so you don’t have to have the lowest random number, and whoever drew ahead of you could have had 901 of those 1,638,806 random numbers.
Me too! This is a big year from me- with 4 instead of 3 points, my draw odds have increased to the likelihood of "crackhead finding a winning lottery ticket in the trash of a gas station" from the previous year's likelihood of "Hilary accurately reporting her trading activity to the SEC." I'll be on the edge of my seat all day

AHAHA LOOKS LIKE I PICKED THE RIGHT GAS STATION BOYS- GOING TO NEVADA FOR BLACKPOWDER COW ELK!!! Man that is just so sick I cannot even explain, I needed a W in my life and there it is
I struck out, had high hopes as a resident with a good amount of points, oh well. My wife got a great late cow tag, really looking forward to that one. My dad drew a great buck deer tag and a pronghorn tag. My niece drew junior buck, and brother in law got mule buck and late cow. Looks like it was a good thing I drew nothing.
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