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2022 Spring Bears

@Derek44 You’d actually pay $400 for a nonresident bear tag, come to MT which will cost double that, and purposely shoot a little sow? For the meat? Sorry this is not adding up.

I’m just not sure how a normal person could stand over a dead little sow and not feel like they should have just not killed that one?

Also -if you can’t wrap your head around hunters being chapped about sow killers closing the season, you aren’t all there.

P.S. Barry Wood is awesome!
But you are all correct. I should re evaluate my life ….
You don’t have to. I said I would.

Sorry for the rant but really. I joined this forum because many of you have lots more experience than I do and I wanted to learn from it.
Learning tidbit number one. Don’t kill a sow. Especially in a sow harvest regulated unit.
If this is bragging I’m more confused yet
Not bragging, just not accepting being lumped in with the crowd that gets so condemned. I didn’t just pick up hunting from IG or funny hidden pictures in truly trophy animals.

And I did bring up the price of tags, and I guess if I’m not all there because I choose to spend 400 bucks for a nonresident bear tag and come over and do what I can to harvest whatever bear it may be, and enjoy the amazing experience of hunting in MT when my current state of residence is partaking in an absolute attack on hunters, (nixing spring bear for the start) then I guess I’m not all there. I understand the frustration that comes from all on the other side of my opinion, but it is what it is and you’ll adapt, as does anyone that has things happen that they disagree with. Oh and I intend to come back this year, probably with my daughter, and if a true opportunity presents itself, I will put more bear meat in my freezer. To me, it’s about the tradition and the opportunity for something a lot of people don’t get to experience.
I guess I worded it wrong by bringing up tag price. I don’t hunt by cost per pound, I don’t hunt by the color or amazingness of the trophy/pelt/antlers or whatever. I hunt by tradition and I use every ounce of meat possible to fill my freezer and save on all that “cheap” beef. Sorry to have ruffled everyone’s feathers. Haha.
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Saw two big dudes.
This guy.
He was spotted late in the evening without time to close the distance. He didn't show the following morning. We went to another location that evening and got a shot but was a clean miss.
We decided to go sit for this bear all day the following day. Here he is headed into the trees 1000yds away at daylight the next day. No shot!20220521_192710.jpg20220521_192600.jpg
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