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2022 Fat-Off

Good for you! You got momentum now. That's the hardest part is to get the ball rolling.
It is amazing how much easier it is once you get the ball rolling. It's not hard anymore to tell my coworkers that I don't want to go get a dr. Pepper or go out for lunch.
I gotta do something. December and January have been bad, I was 212 this morning. I try to make 184 by the end of March because that’s the weight I wrestled at. That’s not happening this year, but I would like to be under 200. It’s amazing how crappy I feel just gaining a few pounds and eating like crap.
It is unbelievable how much better I feel already. I have more energy, less joint pain and just regular aches and pains. My desire to get out and do stuff has greatly increased too.
Damn I’m the same height (minus post 60 shrink) but haven’t seen 175 since my Jr year of HS…yer a lanky one lol!
Ive got a narrow frame and not overly muscly. lol I was at 180 this sept and still could get a handful of belly fat. Going to try to get rid of that this year. Generally I stay in decent shape but ive come to find out how much easier it is to get around the hills just by gettig rid of a few lbs of fat!
I’m 6’1 and I maxed at 213 in summer of 2019, got down to 185 for my 2019 CO elk hunt using crash paleo-type diet, bounced back to 205 and pretty much stayed there with the help of intense stress and tons of coffee. I’d like to see 180 for one of my upcoming elk hunts. Feel
like my body fights me hard anywhere below 195.
The toughest is the beginning. Once i got 10-12 lbs off I knew it was game over . Issue I have is maintaining. I got down 55 or so . Was 160-163lbs this fall now I’ve hit 168-170 not a huge deal but I’m one if I let it go then I don’t keep up so i started working out again and my legs feel it tonight.
I was thinking the same thing, If I could get down to 240 I would be thrilled.

Yeah I graduated HS at 177#, five yrs later graduated college at 193# but it was mostly “legs” from playing ball.

Now I go through the shoulder season with the “shoulders” sitting firmly above my belt at 225 though I typically get back down to 215 before the elk start to bugle. If I can keep that post-retirement bandwidth I’ll be ok with it provided the cardio stays up.
well crap.

Blew up my left shoulder this last weekend. I'm 90% sure its a rotator cuff. I go to the Steadman Clinic next week. It feels and acts exactly like my right shoulder did 25 years ago.

I had cake, ice cream, and a coke for dinner.

Archery season is not looking good.
We'll if we're sharing injuries I'll let my shame out too lol. Picked this one up while deadlifting just over three weeks ago. Felt good, got cocky, let form slip, bam.

I was 5’8 195 and thought I was “a little fat”. Went to the doc as I needed carpal tunnel surgery and was reading the post visit report. I thought it was strange to get weighed in being as I was there for my hand however the report listed “discuss obesity with patient”. next to my weight. The lightbulb went off for me.

I went down the rabbit hole with the Noom app which basically is a calorie counter. I got down to 165, kept the weight off, and feel great. Now accordingly to the federal government 165 is “heavy” for my height. That said, I will take it!
Bad deal man! What kind of pain are you in?
It was pretty tough for a few days. Getting better day by day though.

I was on some stronger pain meds for about 10 days, then regular ibuprofen for about 5 days, and now nothing unless I'm really hurting. I still have some general, achy pain throughout the day but the worst is the sharp, kind of nervy pain when I hinge out twist at the hips. Unfortunately that occurs pretty often when transitioning from standing or sitting, bending over to do things like feed the dog or kiss the kids, etc.

I'm no doctor, so I explained it to my dad like, "Imagine if you ripped both of your tenderloins, and felt it every time you twisted, hinged, etc" I don't recommend it lol
Wanting to lose 25 lbs myself. Heaviest I have ever been! A medical glitch didn't help, sitting on my arse and snacking for 2 months. Weight goes on much easier thsn it comes off, for sure!
At 6'3", The military said I was overweight if I exceeded 195! am pretty thin at that and feel my best at 205-208.
I'm a little late to this party but working from home for 2 years and a deep abiding love for beer, bourbon and food put me at my heaviest ever. 2 weeks ago was my reality check at 246lbs. It's still early but down 8lb so far. My goal is 205 by June 1.
Caribou Gear

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