Caribou Gear

2021 Wyoming NR Elk Draw Results

Truly shocked I didn't draw my 1st choice Type 1 tag in the special draw but I did pick up a Type 4 regular tag as my second choice. It will be my first elk hunt in WY!
Congrats on the tag, but how did you manage to apply for both a special and regular draw tag? Shouldn't be possible ?
No dice for us.

It's always interesting to view the demand report and think about the people who "spent" 11 points on a general tag or the person who ponied up the extra money for a special tag when they had 7 points and applied for a general tag as their first choice.
Fug you WY. Didnt want your stupid tag anyway.. if Nevada doesnt give me a tag i may jump off a bridge.
can someone help to explain to me if a unit has a quota of 4 cow tags in the Special draw and nobody applied for those and none issued do those tags get put in the Special Random draw? where do those tags go?
Congrats on the tag, but how did you manage to apply for both a special and regular draw tag? Shouldn't be possible ?
I modified my application after the initial submission. I know I selected Regular Type 4 as my second choice. Looking at the site, it says successful SPECIAL draw type 4. I might have just drawn a $1300 cow tag! I tried to call but of course the line is busy. This was my first year applying in WY. Might have been a costly lesson as I know my 2nd choice always has leftovers!

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