Typically guys come to forums to post their successes, everyone likes hearing/seeing that. How about those that hunted this year and never saw an elk or never had a shot opportunity? Not trying to throw a pity party but there are a ton of learning points to pull from a 'failed' hunt and I know it happens a lot when it comes to elk. The first time I hunted elk in CO and hunted hard for 6 days and never saw a glimpse of one I was somewhat shocked. As a guy from WI you would have to be blindfolded to not see a deer in the midwest in 6 days if you put in as many miles as one typically does on a elk hunt. Obviously completely different hunts but its the only thing many have to go on when venturing out west.
Chime in with what you learned and why you theorize you didnt see anything.
Chime in with what you learned and why you theorize you didnt see anything.