PEAX Equipment

2021- Who got skunked?

Skunked myself this year. On my antelope, I crawled in about a half mile and set up for a 250 yd shot but I think i pulled it. My chest was shaking from crawling so far that when I set up on the my shooting sticks for a routine 250 yard shot, it just didn't come out perfect. I wounded him, followed the bloodtrail an hour later but an overzealous hunting partner sent him running 2 miles away and out of sight forever. We never recovered him. Live and learn.

My elk, I ended up alone. All my friends/help had bailed near the last minute and I found myself 3 miles down some canyon smelling bulls all around me. At sundown, I was hunkered down in the bottom with 4 bulls in my scope at 200 yards. Easy. It was going to be my first bull, but I was so bummed that no one was going to be there to share the experience with (or the pack out). I opted not to shoot. There will be others, but in the moment that one stung a bit.
Man that’s tough. I’m the guy that will pull the trigger and then worry about the exit strategy. Embrace the suck!
Our group failed this year. Still not over it. We got into them but just could not seal the deal. I think most of it had to do with just digging a little deeper with the effort. Still cant shake defeat. Doesnt sit well.
I "DNS"ed. (Did not Start). Got a type 6 tag in WY.

Burned up my Vacation time and used 18/20 days:

4 Vac days on a Horseback trail ride in June
6 Vac days taking family to Glacier NP in July
3 Vac days on another Horseback trail ride in Aug
5 Vac Days on a last minute Pheasant hunt with my 79 year old Dad and 75 yo uncle in October

That left me 2 Vac days so a hunt in 2021 was out. I'll roll them into 2022.

While the season is open until the 31st, my partner tested positive for Covid and I was a good boy and quarantined with her. So i just wrote off the tag....
Ha, Guess it just wasn't meant to be. Hunted WI opener, on/off 9 days, 10 day ML, 4 day doe only, 9 day Holiday Hunt.
Came close during the ML, jumped a decent buck, had him in the scope, pulled the trigger and out came a huge sparkler, looked like a close-up meteorite, landed about 15 ft in front of me.😒
Was a damp season.
The last season was hunting some kettles, state forest with lots of trails, saw movement coming down the ridge, had a weird look to its head, thought it was a beagle so started looking for a hiker but once it cleared some brush I realized it was a yote with a rabbit flopping around in its mouth. Let him go, he did better than I.
I came close to getting a cow with a otc tag. It was my first elk hunt and I ended up going solo because all my “buds” backed out, blaming wives and such 🙄. I’m going back with a bigger better plan. It’s slow down, drink water, eat and slow down some more. I’m sorta past the point of counting on friends to go. Soon enough and I’ll be taking my kids. Anyone else’s friends talk big plans and then always back out? We were going to do a bear hunt this spring but… yeah you know the rest lol
Struck out on elk in Wyoming but scored on antelope. Whitetails were good to me : four bucks hunting in 3 states.
Skunked , Colorado bow season, only got into elk one day, never could hook up with em again after that.
I "DNS"ed. (Did not Start). Got a type 6 tag in WY.

Burned up my Vacation time and used 18/20 days:

4 Vac days on a Horseback trail ride in June
6 Vac days taking family to Glacier NP in July
3 Vac days on another Horseback trail ride in Aug
5 Vac Days on a last minute Pheasant hunt with my 79 year old Dad and 75 yo uncle in October

That left me 2 Vac days so a hunt in 2021 was out. I'll roll them into 2022.

While the season is open until the 31st, my partner tested positive for Covid and I was a good boy and quarantined with her. So i just wrote off the tag....
At least you got some great family trail rides in.
I didn’t do any hunting in 2021, except for spring turkey with my daughter. I was working 6-7 days a week through the fall, so my hunting time was non-existent. Plan to draw a good limited bull tag in Colorado and deer/boar/bear/turkey hunt in Arkansas next fall. It’s only like $350 for a non-resident tag in Arkansas
I guess I did,LOL. But it was a good season. I drew a local cow tag and made a vow to just hunt here, on my place. My paying it back for the RO LO tags I get.
I had walked into a small group 100 yards from my door for the second time in 2 days. They just went down out of the trees to the big herd and they all just fed away and off my place. 40 maybe spread out,400 yards away. I'd gain 100 and they would move farther. Nah,I had time.
The 1st morning it was the same thing with 3 groups and they would just keep 400+ and away.

That 3rd morning my buddy from WI showed to use the cow LO tag. I just put my hunt on simmer.
He filled his tag the 3rd morning after we saw maybe 100 in this part of the valley. So many eyes.
Open ground and 2 old farts stalk within 200 yards of 12. Without being seen nor scented by the rest.
We had close encounters the 1st 2 mornings too. I could have easily filled my tag my last 2 days.
Just had way more fun hunting & laughing ,with my best friend.

The other 3 hunters all had opportunities. Just the way it is.
No closer than 100 on good bulls during the bow hunt.
Jimmy hunted the 1st morning and the illness he had for 2 weeks was too much. Then Covid . He's fine now.
Ephraim told his story.
I also helped 3 other HTers locally and 2 filled tags.

I still have 25lbs of elk in the freezer from before. Enough for some burger & sausage making,with a fresh chunk of strap from Jeff.
I guess I ate 2 tags this year. Nah,I had a blast.
Skunked as well...two years in a row now, both during 2nd rifle OTC in CO. Disclaimer: I've only been hunting elk for two years, so as a beginner there's a lot to learn, and I have definitely learned a lot. I'm just now starting to feel like I've earned the right to be successful. I'm feeling really good about the coming fall! That said, we were in elk this past season. Seems like we were always in an area either a half day early or a half day late and just missed them. Story of my life sometimes, haha.

I did get to assist in a hunt with my brother-in-law, who drew a unit 27 tag in AZ, and he tagged out a nice 6x6. Being a part of all the work involved after the trigger is pulled was obviously a great experience for me. Took about 4 hours to get him off the mountain, and we spent 8 hours the following day getting everything butchered, placed in vacuum-sealed bags, and into coolers for the drive home. Just being part of the entire process from scouting to harvesting made me feel like I was successful, in a sense.

2022 is my year! Good luck to everyone during application/draw season and hope you have great hunts this year!
Who got skunked? That would be us. Great trip with my son and best friend to hunt with my brother on the land he & I grew up hunting in the northeastern corner of Oregon. Property of about 8,000 acres of which we've never NOT seen elk over a 40-years span. This year, despite hunting hard for 5 days, we saw only a handful of tracks in perfect tracking snow that fell the second day.

Lesson learned: A pack of wolves has now moved into this area. Note, Oregon wolf population is being rebuilt - growing at about 10% annually. From our experience, anecdotal stories from others in the area, and reading an interesting "MeatEater" article, it seems that with a resident wolf population now in place the elk tend to stay in lower, open country. Interesting hunt factor I'd never experienced or would have thought would have had so much impact.
I didn't fill my elk tag, I was to busy working and hunting deer. The day I shot my mule deer buck, I cut a bunch of elk tracks, I was following them into a drainage when I spotted my buck and it was to much to resist haha.
I got out more this year than the last few. Work was still chaotic though and cut into my plans. I got on some fresh track but still went home empty handed. I am making plans for 2022 to change things up.
Hunted Colorado archery elk this year with my Dad. Had a great trip. Called a nice 5x5 bull into 25 yards broadside, but of course he stopped with a small tree blocking his vitals. Too much respect for these animals to force a shot. Had several other call-ins, but being the caller and shooter is very hard. If my Dad had been the one with the tag, and I would have been able to call from behind him, I think we would have killed. Other lessons learned were don't be afraid to blind cow call a LOT, and make sure you are prepared to stop the bull in an opening with a cow call cause sometimes they can can come in hot and fast.