2019 New Mexico Rocky Mountain Bighorn

Congrats on taking a very nice ram, love his coloring!
Most of all, thank you for sharing the story and pics of the hunt. I really enjoyed all of it.

PS: From your story, I can tell that the details of the hunt are seared into your memory. Guessing that the other hunter only remembers pulling the trigger! I would take your hunt and harvested ram any day of the week.....great hunt!
great Ram and story, I see that the taxi didn't reproduce the large bump on his nose, did you request it or was it up to them to decide?

Very observant of you. We discussed this and initially the plan was to reproduce this. However, when he actually went to do it he was having a tough time making it look right. He called me and asked what I thought, but ultimately I deferred to his opinion there.
That does it I'm putting in for sheep next year lol

Congrats on the great hunt!
Wonderful story. You earned that ram, and overcame the adversity of having your #1 choice ram getting shot out from under you.

Well done.
Well done. I would have made the same decision as you. Glad it worked out.
So we backed out, back over to the west side of the saddle and headed north. After we got to the north end of the saddle, we were able to look down into the canyon to the west and see the hunters who had shot and killed a ram there. I was relieved to see that it wasn't the one I was after. After we had walked another 1/2 mile or so, a couple of guys on horseback caught up to us. They had ridden along the same trail we were following and had just come through the saddle where I was watching the three rams. When the riders caught up to us they stopped to chat for a minute. They mentioned that their group had put a monster ram down and they were headed in to pack it out. "How big is he?", I asked. They were clearly excited by it. After chatting about the ram for a second, one guy pulls out his phone and shows me a picture. I couldn't believe it.....there, lying dead with one very happy hunter, was the ram I had been hoping to hang my tag on. I showed him a few of the photos I had of the ram from my scouting trip a few weeks prior and we confirmed that it was, indeed, the same ram. We congratulated them and sent them on their way.

Side bar - I found out later that there was absolutely no way we stood even a chance at that ram. That group had 10-11 guys, horses, etc. and had that ram dialed in and nailed down. They put together the video below of their hunt if you're interested.

That video was excruciatingly difficult to watch.

Your ram is gorgeous. Getting it done with friends and family was icing on the cake.
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Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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