
Just read this on FB. I'm never without a round in my pistol, but I've never been a guide, in charge of another humans well being. I can see where a responsible guide could take every step imaginable to keep a client safe, even going as far as not keeping a round in a pistol. You could argue that not chambering a round does the opposite, and I wont disagree, but it was his life, and his choice.
I don't carry Israeli style . A gun without a round is just a rock.
Looking at the number of people injured or killed by a bear compared to the number of people injured or killed by an accidental shooting due to a round being in the chamber...I would take my chances with the bear. Having said that, I think a person has to look at the situation and hopefully use common sense when it comes to having a round in the chamber. More and more I don't keep a round chambered while hunting until I get to a situation that I will need it. I don't like jump shooting deer or elk. I also hunt with people all the time and while I have a safety, slips and falls occur too easily and safeties get bumped too easily.
Wow, sounds like a series of unfortunate events that led to the tragedy. Hunter tried to shoot gun, no round in chamber, starts pressing buttons and the clip falls out, then throws the empty gun to the guide.
It’s important to find a qualified guide, but just as important to find a qualified client.. New screening question: If a bear is chewing up our guide do you know how to chamber a pistol? If the awnser is NO than maybe try golf or bowling..
"did not have a round in the chamber and the guide had taken the pistol off while he helped Chubon dress an elk"

Whether there is one in the chamber or not, if it's not on your person that makes it tough.
I carry a revolver with the hammer on an empty cylinder. My choice, I can't hit anything with a semi-auto.
Same here and the accuracy really decreases while one is in the panic mode. 'Don't intend to start another contentious debate about bear spray, but consider if both the guide and the client had been packing pistols and bear spray (assuming they were trained to employ both), the odds of repelling the bear before a fatality would have been increased.
Wow, sounds like a series of unfortunate events that led to the tragedy. Hunter tried to shoot gun, no round in chamber, starts pressing buttons and the clip falls out, then throws the empty gun to the guide.
he probably would have shot the guide. I know of two recent instances where the guy being attacked was shot.

My bear spray used to stay in it’s holster on my pack, but I got a second holster for my belt to hold my bear spray when I’m processing the elk, etc.

The other one was in Wyoming not too long after, but the person didn’t die.

I thought you were referring to 2018 when you said "recent". Sounds like this was back in 2011. Amazing how many hunters end up shooting each other, the one where the guy shot his dad this year getting out of a tree stand was heartbreaking.

This is an interesting list to look over.
A double action only handgun is a lot different than a bolt action rifle. Ive decided not to carry a rifle with one in the chamber if it’s slung or packed, but if I was in bear country I’d have no problem st all carry a double action only pistol with one in the chamber, not would I have a problem with anyone else doing so. There’s a reason that Glocks don’t even have a safety.
A double action only handgun is a lot different than a bolt action rifle. Ive decided not to carry a rifle with one in the chamber if it’s slung or packed, but if I was in bear country I’d have no problem st all carry a double action only pistol with one in the chamber, not would I have a problem with anyone else doing so. There’s a reason that Glocks don’t even have a safety.
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