PEAX Equipment

2017 Arizona draw results

Great ! now I'm going to be checking my bank account all day long. Even though I put in for impossible hunts to draw, too much on my plate this year with 4 trips to AK.
First AZ elk tag for me, and only in the second year of applying/first year as a resident. I put in for the easiest rifle tag to draw, though. Still it's a chance at bigger bulls than in my native Colorado. December can't come soon enough!
Congats Randy! I am only have three NR points now so I am not holding out any hope. Good luck to all those who have been hit/will be hit this year.
Congrats to Fin, and unlike him I do have some Irish in me, and it is a good St. Patty's Day!

Just found out 4 of us drew archery elk tags, obviously in the random phase, I think we had 5 points.
Congrats to everyone who drew. I'll be chasing bulls either with a bow in Sept (which would be a first) or a rifle in December!
No dice so far, long odds though. Congratulations to everyone who drew. AZ is an awesome place and I can't wait to get back soon!
Since this thread has been started my wife has been to McDonalds, my Security Alarm monitoring has been charged to my card, I made an online order for a trailer tongue jack that just posted to the card as pending, and now my wife has been to the grocery store. But nothing from Arizona.
Doesn't look like i drew. No hits on the card, might be more hits next week but who knows...Better luck next year. Back to the drawing board.
Congrats Crusoe

Congrats to all, esp Flatland Crusoe. You're going to have some fun new experiences! Elk beats the hell out of wabbit huntin.

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Don't give up hope yet fellas, my credit card got hit today for $650. A first week of December elk rifle tag is heading my way.