Kenetrek Boots

2015 Fitness Goals or Resolutions?

2012 I went on a bear hunt in the selway. I weighed 214 and it just about killed me hiking in the wilderness.
The next year I started running and MTN biking. By 2013 I was running 30 miles a week, mtn biking a few times a week and doing CrossFit 4 times a week and I was down to 168 and 6'2". June of 2014 I quit running and mtn biking weekly. Sticking to CF, weights and eating as much as I could of clean food to put on muscle. August I quit doing CF and focused on Olympic lifting 2 hours a day, 4 days a week.

Two weeks ago I weighed in at 214, and now I am doing two hours of weights then an hour of CF class. My goal now is to drop some extra fat that i picked up the past few months and get my cardio back up to speed for another April bear hunt in the wilderness of ID.
Portion control is first on my list, first is getting over my recent back surgery. We built a new wing to our office building which just happens to have a gym in it for me to get started on cardio, now it have no excuses. I would really like to get out and hike this summer, nothing like training where you plan on being during hunting season. May have to try and find some sheds this year, at least then it is more then just exercise. This I do know.....I can walk further with my rifle in hand than I ever could walking on a tread mill.:D
7 days into 2015 and I'm at 50.6 miles logged this year in my running log. That averages out to 7.2 miles a day so far.
7 days into 2015 and I'm at 50.6 miles logged this year in my running log. That averages out to 7.2 miles a day so far.

Holy cr@p- I am in my base building phase. Too dang cold here to get too ambitious with serious miles here. Mostly treadmill running. Today was first outside run above zero in over a week.

Nicely done and keep up the good work.

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