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2014 Wyoming bull


Thanks for your thoughts on how elk get old. I like your theory. I think that is the answer any hunter would want to hear. The fact that elk reach old age on public land and that through hard work they can be hunted successfully is a beautiful thing, and Hunt Talk proves it. Congratulations.
Buzz, great thread. My brother got his Wy bull on public land this year. Your analysis is nearly exactly what he has done for decades. It takes a lot of time and effort to figure out old bulls on public land. They hide where hunters don't find them. Thanks for the great pictures and write up and analysis.
I should get an "assist" for driving you to the dealership to pick up your truck. :)

I spent that day in a diesel shop in Logan, Utah, as my PU died the next morning. Just have to roll with the lemonade making process when you get lemons.

That's a damn nice bull, and, it came together as you expected, all the more fun.

Ugly beats big every day, and in this case ugly and big are even a better combination. Congrats, Buzz.

Fin, are you referring to Buzz or the Elk?
Yeah, you should get an assist...thanks for carting me to the shop. The one constant with anything mechanical, it will break down at some point.

As to the elk hunting, it was better than I expected.
I could be wrong I'm probably not the best source of information when it comes to elk hunting...not really my thing.

I would love to be able to say this and still be able to kill what you do lol. You obviously know your stuff pretty well whether it's your thing or not:hump:
Congrats! Awesome Bull!
You always produce!
Proof that you put in your dues for your returns.
I couldn't agree more with BuzzH's post above. Too many guys overlook the country that animals grow old and die in. There's something about hunting big mature bulls in the late season that just speaks to me. This story and photos did just that. Pretty neat on all counts - especially considering it is in a relatively hard-hunted unit. Well done, amigo.
I agree with Buzz re looking for a place that is difficult. The vegetation is thick or is in a nasty steep zone or is a long way on foot to get to the spot.

Reality is some units have so many roads crisscrossing that is very difficult for a big game animal to die of old age if lives on public land. If ATVs are allowed then is even more of a mess.

Chose your unit wisely for how you want to hunt. Match your tactics and skills to the unit and you should see representative elk. Finding a big elk is another issue.
Awesome Bull Buzz! Between you, me and the rest of HuntTalk I've taken a Guard job and moving the family to Cheyenne this winter to start my new career and new life in Wyoming. In still waiting on the official word from the Air Force, but I can't tell you how excited this makes me to read your story. We are really happy to be making this transition and of course I'm pumped to be a resident elk hunter once again.
Toad of a bull, congrats! As much as this AZ boy is hooked on elk hunting, I don't think I could weather -26º for a hunt unless my family was starving.

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