2005 fat off!!!! let it begin

All this chow hall food here at Kunsan is packing on the fat. i passed my Pt test though thats all that matters i ran like a 12 something minute mile i got 89 pushups and 46 situps<<< got to work on those. but the Air forces new Manditory PT stuff with most likly help me cut down from 200!!!
How are all you porkers doing ?
I blew my diet out of the water this weekend. The Co. I work for hosted a little shindig over at the "Carmel Valley Ranch", and I BSed my way in. Lots and lots of hosted cocktails and fancy food for two days, I think I gained about five lbs. Oh well, back to the starting line.
Man, you never seen so many wild turkeys, and blacktail deer.
Radical New Training Method


I think not. I tried a radical new training method this weekend. Broke out the Long board and surfed head high swells from Tropical Storm Franklin.
Could hardly get out of bed this am. Muscles aching that I haven't used in years. Working on improving the balance so I don't fall down the mountain on my a$$ nearly as much. The babes in bikinis all over the beach made for some excellent eye candy and motivation. Yep....my scouting trip was a success. ;)

2005 Fat Off is progressing nicely! I'm sticking to my diet and excersizing daily. The pounds are just rolling off! I've been doing a little scouting and can't wait to be in the woods with my pack and rifle! 14lbs lost and just six to go to reach my goal!!!


Been fighting a cold for a week and a half so I haven't been able to do any exercise, but got on the scale this mornig and had lost 2 more pounds. Go figure. Now at 6-7 pounds down. Wanted to be at 10 as of today.
Down 12 lbs but still 1 behind schedule. The workout rutine is going great, jsut the Not eating bad food isn't :) Time to ramp it up !!!!!!
My trip to Colorado reminded me of how far I still need to go. 2 1/2 months to really focus...my discipline needs some tweaking for sure.
I am not doing as well as hoped. I am down to 203 as of this AM and have not taken a big dump for the day yet soooo I should be around 202 by days end. With only a month to go i hope to lose 5 more pounds. I have been cheating on weekends and that is killing me. |oo
I just got off two fires putting in a minimum of 12 miles a day on the ol' gators for 12 straight days, I was only 3 pounds down..... :)

Your problem is that you need to take bigger dumps. A pound at a time isn't going to cut it. :)

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