2005 fat off!!!! let it begin

Weighed in 2 days ago at 170, now down to 167. I'm trying to get down to 150. If you're doing Atkins, you might want to try the South Beach diet! It's awesome and very easy compared to the Atkins diet. It's not a mega meat diet. On the SBD you're allowed vegetables and "good carbs", not to mention lean meat, pork fish and poultry.

I tried them both and the only one that's easy to maintain in my opinion is the SBD.

I'm doing cardio everyday and weight training 4 times a week. I should reach my goal with in two months time........I hope!

My barley pop consumption was getting a little out of hand and I'm feeling great doing real curls instead of the 12oz. kind! LOL

Good luck everyone!
Hey guys... Went from 167 when this thing started and now at 155...

Five more to go and I'll be there....

One thing that really kicked it for me is a ten mile hike I did into the mountains right in the afternoon..

Didn't drink any water, and am getting a few cramps now because of it... But in the hot sun, that sure burns up the energy.. :)
WyoDH, When you're young it's easy to Say. I used to eat egg's bacon and Flapjacks for Preakfast, 2 supper size meals for lunch, some Snacks and A bucket of Chicken for dinner... And I don't mean a Little Bucket, I mean the Bucket on the KFC roof top !!!! ;) I think Now I'm more active but in a more lazy way. I'm always running around but jump in the truck to go down the Block. It's jsut bad habits and Excuses.

JK, Not bashing your Nutz but we always have things we can Do. Weight is Simple Math. It' Calories in and Calories out. Nothing more then that. If you eat more, you need to work out more. If you eat less (Which usually isn't the case for anyone except in Short durations like days or weeks) then you can Work out less. All last week I would go into the Office at 7(Latest) and leave at (6 Average). Not super long days but a Good dang work day. then I'd go home and do stuf in the yard or with the Family, then around 10:15 when the Light goes away I'm grab the Neighbor and We went Walking or Jogging. Let me just say I didn't "FEEL" like it or think I had "TIME" but I did it. Will I stick to it ? Who knows, Human nature to get lazy and Make excuses.

OAk.... I've been meaning to give you this :


I saw the Shed scouting pictures of you and I didn't recognise you. You're truely a Fetching STUD !!!!

I'm not a Big fan of any "DIET". Sometimes thats what people need to get a Kick start but in General, they don't work. Sure with some they do but I think with a Compination of doing More and eating "RIGHT" (Not granola "RIGHT" or rice cake "RIGHT" stuff but less and using common sense instead of eating and Laying on the Couch for the Rest of the night in pain untill you take your TV watching Fat A$$ up to go to the Fridge to get a bowl of Icecream because you need something to wash the 3 pizzas down you jsut ate......).

It's jsut like Hunting, It's a Choice, "JUST DO IT"..... or to "DO IT WELL"l.
man all this healthy talk is motivating me to no end. i am jumpin on the bandwagon. yes sir, it is time...

oops, gotta go. pizza and wings just got here for lunch....
I need to get on board too. I was down to 267, and I'm up to 302, the fattest I have ever been, and now I'm facing another back surgery.
I've laid out a 9 Week Plan. I'm at the End of my First week. My goal the First week was jsut to Change my Eating Habits. I stopped drinking Chocolate Shakes every day for Breakfast and Stopped Pop All together. I think those are the Hardest. I did Moderate Excersize. this week I'll Keep up with the Better Eating and Push the Cardio and Muscles a bit more. If you notice I won't cut back on Food. thats the Stupidest thing I've ever heard . It will catch up with ya. On the Burgers I'll dump More salad then I ever did and Use Mustard instead of Mayo. Jsut the litle things. It's easy math : Less bad in Less fat on.

Next week will have more Row machine and more running. Look out this fall, Moosie Will be better then ever ;)
I was going to add more walking in the hills around town this week, but may have some trouble with my busted nutz LOL. I have lost 15 lbs over the last several months just by increasing my walking and changing the foods I eat. Swapping choclate for fruits and other vegetables. Switched from regular pop to water and the occasional diet pop. So far seems to be working and feel better as a side effect. Sounds like you have a good plan in place Moosie.
LOL JK, No~one meant to kick yer nads. Hope they heal soon :p

First couple days/weeks of a "FAT OFF" is fake numbers anyways. I can Always loose 5-6 #'s in a Week jsut by switching eating and a couple extra hours of hump . What is the Kicker is after the "easy" weight is gone.

Week one down 5#'s as of today, (Goal of 4) Next weeks goal is 3, then 2 every week after that. Aug 28th (9 Weeks into it) finish goal is 199 and maintain that for a few weeks. I'd like to stay at the 200 MArk(ish).

I don't mind Having a Belly, I just like hiking hills and When the guy goes with me finally catches up I'm doing Pushups while He's catching his breath :) I used to do that for fun but that dange Age and Belly thing is catching up. Unlike the Age thing, I can do something 'bout the belly :p
Four years back I tried the Body For Life program. I was skeptical but knew a few people who got great results. I did it for 12 weeks and lost 35 lbs. The best part is that I lost no strength and I've kept it off.Its not a miracle or fad diet, just common sense, In fact I don't think that one would need to follow the program to a TEE to see results. Try the following: 1.Basically don't cut down food intake much, just eat more and smaller meals (6)instead of three gutbusters. 2. As said above, cut out the crap like soda, candy bars, shakes, etc. Go ahead and splurge one day a week. DO NOT CUT OUT CARBS. This will leave you too drained to workout. 3. Lift weights or at least get some rigorous activity several times a week. Try to get some variety. 4.Make sure to get at least 20 min of cardio three times per week. Again get some variety. 5. Dont' try to do too much too soon. Its a good way to get hurt. It won't happen overnight but be patient and before you know it you'll be chugging up hills you never thought you'd climb and hiking further than you thought possible. And when you start to see the results it will be easier to stay on track.
And when you start to see the results it will be easier to stay on track.
Amen brother.

Whats Funny is I've been told I change the most in Pictures then what Anyone has ever seen. Some pictures I'll be packing a Gut (First of season) and by Season end I'll be 20# smaller. Last year I started off light and ended a Bit lighter. But I had a Sheep tag in my pocket. That made a Diference too ;)
If I ever see anyone doing push ups at the top of a trail at 10,000 +, I'll asume it's you Moosie, that is, unless I'm ahead of you. ;)
Bring it on Fatty :)

Note to noharleyyet: Moosie won't be hiking trails, He'll be making his own !!
Ah, the brashness of youth.

Note to Moosie: Good luck with your next 8 weeks. 16 lbs. to go? Who you callin' fatty? :D :D
Well, I think im one of the few weird ones here. Im currently sitting at about 220-225, and I'd like to GAIN...yes GAIN.....about 15-20 pounds before hunting season. I'd like to be sitting around the 240 mark in the next few months, which is going to be a tough chore. My biggest obstacle is getting motivated enough to hit the gym each morning at 0630. But I need to do it, so when Moosie finally invites me on a hunt with him, I can be pulling trees out of the ground with my bare hands while he is doing his sissy girly-man push-ups!! :)

I'm game. It was 260# this morning and I'd like to be ~230# when I get on the plane for Kodiak.
Just so you guys know, if you bump into me at 10,000 feet and I'm on the ground I am not doing push-ups. I'm probably trying to get back up.
Hey, great discussion as I just set a goal for myself. I want to lose 2 pounds a week for the next 8 weeks, going from a lumpy 176 to a fairly trim 160. If I can hit the goat cliffs at 160 give or take a pound or two I will be real happy.

How will I do it.....smaller portions, less crap and more exercise. I get quite a bit of exercise at work, but I"ll start putting in 35-50 minutes of cardio a night on the treadmill or the hill behind the house, whichever looks harder!!!!

Good Luck All!

By the way, LOVE the idea of giving someone some $$$ and not getting it back if ya dont make it!

Boy, i am off to a slow start......... Damn beer is the killer for us Wisconsin boys. Miller lite has only a few carbs but when i go up to my weekend stomping ground there is a bar that has cans of beer for $2 or a frosty mug or Michelobe amber bock for a buck, what do you think i drink on weekend :rolleyes:

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