Caribou Gear

2 months till Opener for the King

We went to a little berry-picking spot Sunday and put up a covey of young birds in the hawthorn berries & black raspberries. This spot was logged about 10 years ago and is really starting to come into it's own. We've put up birds consistently enough to have the various covey's mapped out. Opener should have some fat & sassy birds ready to play.
Snagged a free roadkilled training aid for the table off a backroad a few days ago. Musta been somebody's escapee, as I've never heard of any wild ones in this area. Used to be a few coveys around Lansing 25 years ago, but I think the foxes and coyotes have had them nuked for a while.
Is that a grouse or a bobwhite? (I'm horrible with bird ID!!! ;) ) Growing up near the farm fields north of Howell we used to hear the bobwhite every night in the summer. I learned to whistle by imitating the 'bob, bob, WHITE' outside in the summer! Rarely hear them anymore.
Bobwhite. Primary wing tips were worn a bit, so I'm pretty sure it was a pen bird. We used to have a few pheasants along the RR tracks behind my house, but it's been 18 years since I've heard one crow. Grew up in the Okemos/Mason area and saw a few coveys back in the 90s bowhunting.

My folks live a mile from MSU and we had a confused ruffie spend five minutes in their yard when i was in high school. I was a blood thirsty grouse killer, but my parents would not let me shoot it. "Why, we will never see it again?!" It got a free pass, but was never seen again.
There's a lot of good information on RGS site about woodcock and on Project Upland.
@Birdbander - Random question for you, but did you ever interact with Stephanie Hogle at MSU/Rose Lake? Back in October 2002 I had a helluva weekend. I killed a woodduck she banded that summer on a Saturday, and the next day I killed one of her banded woodcock. A year or two later I finally got a bird dog to pad the bird numbers in the freezer, but the only bands I've seen since then have been on Hoosier mourning doves.

And just like that, my season gets beaten to crap before it starts.

Dog went outside to pee yesterday evening and yelped & wouldn't put weight on her left rear. $1100 later we have X-rays showing a total ccl tear in the left, partial in the right. Consult on the 27th for surgery so the kid is done before she even got a mouthful of feathers.

Both knees will have to get operated on eventually so there goes more money than I spent on tuition.
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And just like that, my season gets beaten to crap before it starts.

Dog went outside to pee yesterday evening and yelped & wouldn't put weight on her left rear. $1100 later we have X-rays showing a total ccl tear in the left, partial in the right. Consult on the 27th for surgery so the kid is done before she even got a mouthful of feathers.

Both knees will have to get operated on eventually so there goes more money than I spent on tuition.
Wow , that blows , sorry about the pup .
View attachment 337201

And just like that, my season gets beaten to crap before it starts.

Dog went outside to pee yesterday evening and yelped & wouldn't put weight on her left rear. $1100 later we have X-rays showing a total ccl tear in the left, partial in the right. Consult on the 27th for surgery so the kid is done before she even got a mouthful of feathers.

Both knees will have to get operated on eventually so there goes more money than I spent on tuition.
Wow! that totally sucks. I would, however, recommend a second opinion. A previous golden was diagnosed with the same and we decided to get a second opinion because we are suspicious. I actually ended up driving out to Los Angeles, CA and had a scope put in Ande's knee, which clearly showed he had absolutely no problems with his acl or any other l. Cost me a bundle. My buddy was hunting in a week and a half and never had another issue. It turned out he had a sprained ankle. But the vet school experts said otherwise, and they were wrong.

You do have two dogs though. This might be the moment that the back steps up to the plate.
Wow! that totally sucks. I would, however, recommend a second opinion. A previous golden was diagnosed with the same and we decided to get a second opinion because we are suspicious. I actually ended up driving out to Los Angeles, CA and had a scope put in Ande's knee, which clearly showed he had absolutely no problems with his acl or any other l. Cost me a bundle. My buddy was hunting in a week and a half and never had another issue. It turned out he had a sprained ankle. But the vet school experts said otherwise, and they were wrong.

You do have two dogs though. This might be the moment that the back steps up to the plate.

The back up's indigenous name is "Stands behind you."

She'd be good in a blind for ducks & geese but she's awful at upland. She just doesn't have the drive.

We've been limping the right along for two years (partial tear) so the left popping first is a bit unexpected but makes sense given how much she's favored the right. This is the third X-ray we've done so I'm confident in the diagnosis. The consult will be with a separate doc who will confirm.
I am guessing that she stands behind is subordinate. She might suddenly excel that upland, if you have never hunted her alone before. You never know what a dog will do when their buddy is out of the game.
Met with the consulting vet. We're scheduled for the TPLO surgery Sept 26th. If everything goes well, we may get a few days in the field in late december but her season is not gonna really start until next year. The upshot it means we get a lot more years in the field together.

The down shot is that it's around $8K for the surgery, etc.

And we're probably going to be looking at doing the other knee within a year or two.
Met with the consulting vet. We're scheduled for the TPLO surgery Sept 26th. If everything goes well, we may get a few days in the field in late december but her season is not gonna really start until next year. The upshot it means we get a lot more years in the field together.

The down shot is that it's around $8K for the surgery, etc.

And we're probably going to be looking at doing the other knee within a year or two.
Ouch, that's a major bummer on several fronts.

I do not know what TPLO stands for, but will this be arthroscopic or will they lay the whole knee out?

Best of luck for you and her.
Ouch, that's a major bummer on several fronts.

I do not know what TPLO stands for, but will this be arthroscopic or will they lay the whole knee out?

Best of luck for you and her.

The consulting doc described it they open up the knee, cut the lower joint and reposition it so it is flush with the upper and insert a new ligament. So it corrects the genetic issue of the curve on th back end of the lower joint. It's pretty invasive but given her weight (88 pounds) and athleticism, this is the best option. It's outpatient surgery, so she's going to be walking on it immediately.

Then it's 60 days of healing & PT.
The consulting doc described it they open up the knee, cut the lower joint and reposition it so it is flush with the upper and insert a new ligament. So it corrects the genetic issue of the curve on th back end of the lower joint. It's pretty invasive but given her weight (88 pounds) and athleticism, this is the best option. It's outpatient surgery, so she's going to be walking on it immediately.

Then it's 60 days of healing & PT.
Dang! That hurts just thinking about it. I have had one golden arthroscoped. It can be done, but maybe not in your case with what needs modifications.

Well, come hunt with me and Dusty. You are welcome anytime we are in the woods (or prairies). Not sure what it will be like with him this year, but we will find out soon.

And take She Walks Behind out. I've got my fingers crossed for her.
Given the brown dog's inability to go more than 2-3 miles unless it's under 20, we may be getting into waterfowl this year rather than upland. Annie (brown dog) is a water dog anyway.

Either way, she'll be standing behind in a blind, or in a cover. :D
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And just like that, my season gets beaten to crap before it starts.

Dog went outside to pee yesterday evening and yelped & wouldn't put weight on her left rear. $1100 later we have X-rays showing a total ccl tear in the left, partial in the right. Consult on the 27th for surgery so the kid is done before she even got a mouthful of feathers.

Both knees will have to get operated on eventually so there goes more money than I spent on tuition.
Mine has a bumb shoulder. Good thing the King can still be very feasibly hunted without a dog at all.
Mine has a bumb shoulder. Good thing the King can still be very feasibly hunted without a dog at all.
I do not know if this can help, but 2 yrs in a row, T's golden boy, Ande came up lame a week before the pheasant opener (The Other King). Both times a trip to the acupuncture vet fixed the problem almost immediately. Made a huge believer out of me. After the second time, it never happened again. You might give it a try.
I do not know if this can help, but 2 yrs in a row, T's golden boy, Ande came up lame a week before the pheasant opener (The Other King). Both times a trip to the acupuncture vet fixed the problem almost immediately. Made a huge believer out of me. After the second time, it never happened again. You might give it a try.

Point of order sir.

Only natives can be the king. ;)
September 1 dove opener doesn’t do much for me, too hot. I’ll do it for a couple of hours.
September 14 for White Tailed Ptarmigan high up in the Sierras will be much cooler.

October and early November in Maine for upland and waterfowl.
On the way home from Maine (driving) I want to try for chickens and bobwhites in Kansas.

After that it will be all about putting other guys on cinnamon teal.
You get up to the sierras? I’m just coming off the mtn

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