Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

1st day Duck hunting.....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Looks like I'll be going out in the Morning. I wasn't planning on it but a VERY important Client/friend want's to talk about another developement project so I feel Obligated to go out on his Land and try to shoot some Ducks with him. You know it's tough all the stuff I have to do for work but By Cracky, I'm a Company man And I'll do what I have too...... :eek:

Pictures to follow. Anyone feel sorry for me ? :confused:

.......hump hump Now it's put the kids to bed and Look for Duck stuff.... Run to Walmart and If I know my Loosing ability I have no clue were my Stinking Licence is :D
Moosie said:
Pictures to follow. Anyone feel sorry for me ? :confused:
Um, no. Just for your wife and kids.:D

Good luck tomorrow and remember, coots are easier to kill if you wait until their sides are exposed while they run across the water.:D :D
HAHAA... HEy, I still have 2 koots in at the Taxidermist. We're worknig on an Idea for them.... By "IDEA", I mean I'm stalling because I'm out of Allowable hanging room acording to my wife :rolleyes:
So we're back.... You know I'm carefull what to Post for I'm afraid "Skinny Puppy" and his Brother the "Duck Comander" might end up reading this. That being said, I'm known for my truth and no exagerated stories so here it goes....

Here is "The Duck Commander" The picture is dark but I didn't want to Re color it. Notice the Ice on the Water. It wasn't that cold but the water had been iced over.


Here is my bud Skinny Puppy getting one of my Birds..... Fetch Ubu Fetch !!!


Now, the Morning starts like this, we get to the place and the Commander, as I call him now, was letting me know about his World wide Skills as a Duck caller. Seems he bought a Call and a DVD last week and is now an Expert. I'm down with that, I know many people that kill one or two elk and know more then me....... ;)

So we set up and these Guys hit the water with some Decoys. I told them the key is to Break the Ice so the Ducks can land and they buy off on it and we do such. Times Ticking and ducks are landing in the water next to us before Daylight. I'm used to sitting in the Blind 15-20 mins before shooting but I think they like makeing splashes and playing in the water. They aren't there just for the Hunting or shooting.... (If you know what I mean ;) )

So I talk them out of the water and we sit. Now being the guy that I am, I'm not going to Outshoot or take the first bird on a place I'm invited too so I sit, 4 minutes into legal shooting and No one is doing anything. Some ducks come in and then fly out. I ask Skinny Puppy if he's afraid to shoot and he said he's "TROPHY HUNTING" ducks and I can shoot when I want.

A teal comes in... BOOM !!!! Another duck.... BOOM, 2 shots 2 ducks for me. I tell them I'm done and they need to shoot. 2 ducks fly in and each of them take 3 shots each..... 2 ducks Fly out !!!! I'm not one to laugh at my host ..but.... GESH !!!

So It takes just a little bit to get warmed up maybe.

Another Duck comes in and Lands (Here is where I getmy MtMiller water sluiceing beating) I shoot it on the water. Skinny puppy was like "Is that legal to shoot on the water " ? I was like "Legal, Hell yah, Ethical, AHHHHHhhh whatever !!!!"

So now it's donut time. You can ask anyone I hunt with that Donuts are the key ingredient to Hunting ducks. I hand out the Donuts and A duck comes in and lands. I'm like "Commander he's your's ". HE was like "I'm eating !!!", Skinny Puppy as like, "You take um'". And I'm not even holding a Gun. So he decides to take off :) I told you these guys aren't into killing birds. this happened more then once mind yah... *HEHE*

So a Coot lands in our spead and these guys don't see it. I was like "Is anyone going to kill that duck?" Both look and I told them it was a Coot. Skinny puppy hadn't hit anything in his last box of Shells so he took the *Water Sluiceing Moosie Test* and Passed !!!! He had a Coot to his name. After that his Next 6 ducks all droped in one shot each. Donuts and a Coot to start the day and the S.P. (Skinny puppy) was on FIRE !!!!

Anyways, fun time was had, here is Skinny Puppy on the Right *squating* and the Duck Commander on the Left.


HEre is the Famouse Coot KILLER !!!!! Notice the Shels by his Feet, YAh, those are all his. I might change his name to "Do you have any more shells ?!?! " *HA HAH*


And last but not least...... PAPA MOOSE !!

Nice work, what did the bags end up looking like? Looks like some brand new, shiny decoys there. If you spread them out a little (second picture) they don't bang together so much.;)
Nice flip-flops there Moosie! It would have been warmer to stick your feet inside those ducks.......

BTW, what did Skinny Puppy and Duck Commander think of those fashionable f-f's you were sporting? Sealed the deal-e-o right there I bet!
Bags were fairly mixed. There was the FAMOUS "COOT" of course......The females I always have a Hard time but Widgeon or Gadwalls, It' the one with the Black on their wings. Couple males With the Grey heads and the Feathers and the Stuff and things and stuff like that... ?!?! Teal were the big deal. ALOT of Green winged teal came in. I think we (By "WE" I mean Skinny Puppie) ended up popping one Mallard "Suzzi" on a Jump shoot but the Boyz were real carefully not to shoot any. I told them you'd be mad, Since you're the Duck Natzi ;) 2 Greenies I think were in the mix... Wasn't a Bad limit.

BElow is a More "BLOWN UP", picture :


They wern't "banging" together, You must have looked at a Picture of your Girlfriends thighs ???? ;) We had those 3 to the Left by themselves, and the Other 12 spread out to the Right a bit more. We'll go over the Setup, You know I have a Set way to set them up. I stand on the Bank, and unwrap the string and Throw them out there... It's a True Science. Remember, It's he Donuts that is the Key, not the Decoys !!!

Wiley76, thanx for noticing. The "COMMANDER" was late with a meeting with some Billion $ company CFO and I told him to wait while I took a picture with the Flops. I told him the Story about the Sheep hunter and our site having a Contest. He waited but Ithink he though I was a Few Marbles short, At least he knows what he's getting into !! HAHA !! I hate it when I forget my Waders........ :p

As far as the Deal, I'm not sure it's sealed yet... I might have to go out and talk about it some more next week before I leave to Alaska to make sure .........We'll see if I get invited back ?
If you visied here more.. you'd be "up" on the flip flops....... :)

"Thats how we roll...." Check out the big game section :D

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