Bruce A. Kennedy
New member
We are back from the first Expo, and what a great time! We had some of the best houndsmen in the country there, and what a thrill to talk to some of these fine people.
Sewell Goodwin, Terrell Shelley, Leon Cox, Ollie Barney, Gerry Washburn, Jim Bundrick, and our very own "Ed Hunter" and "Machias" to name a few, and there were many others.
Also, we had some of the greatest predator callers in the sport in attendance, like Gerald Stewart of "Johnny Stewart Game Calls", Murry Burnham of the original "Burnham Game Calls", and Major Boddicker of the "Crit-R-Calls", Gerry Blair, and Bowen Weems representing his father's calls of the original "Wheems Calls."
It was a long day and good time had by all. Had a great Mexican Buffet that was outstanding.
But you know what? This is all about people getting together and having a good time. It is so nice to meet people you have seen on the boards for a few years, and to get the chance to shake their hand is nothing more than great.
I always thought Steve Craig was a small person, and heck, he is taller than I am, but not bigger around though.
Quinton Wagner and Byron South, well what can you say, you guys were great and I am thrilled to know you.
Locohead, I so enjoyed talking with you on sever occasions. And then there was "NASA" (Tom Turner) who I have corresponded with over the years, and there he was, bigger than life.
Bill Rice, I was so glad you came, but many of the raffle ticket holders weren't.
I heard how he always wins everything at Globe and then he goes to the Expo and cleaned our plow on the winnings. I will say this though, late in the drawing, he started giving his winning tickets to people seated at his table. I thought that was a class act.
Tim Behle, "Miss Joyce" and their sons Dean and Craig did a great job in helping out when I needed help big time. A big thanks to them. Although Craig ate all the Pizza.
Just kidding Craig.
Gerald Stewart and Major Boddicker, many thanks for coming and your most generous donations. You two were great and I sincerely thank both of you for your support.
But I must give credit where due, Jay Nistetter and Rich Higgins played a huge part in getting some of the big names to attend. That was all done behind the scenes and I thank both of you for your mucho appreciated support and help.
Norm Johnson, man you are the man. I can't say enough about Norm and his never ending help and support. He brought one of his tents down to house the raffle tickets. Norm, thank you many times over. I really appreciate you help.
Danny and Charlene Batastini, thank you both for coming. Danny is like a brother to me and I think the world of him. Friday was his birthday and I presented him with a big jar of Jelly Beans and I told him and the crowd it was "Glow In The Dark Viagra." Enough said.
The members of the very first of many annual National Predator Hall of Fames, are:
Gerry Blair, Murry Burnham, Gerald Stewart, Johnny Stewart, Bob Henderson, and Morton Burnham.
On the Houndsmen side, there are:
Warrner Glenn, Kelly Glenn-Kimbro, Del Cameron, Ollie Barney, Ben Lily, The Lee brothers, Dale and Clell, and Wiley Carroll
The names are in no particular order. I thought it was the greatest to see Johnny Stewart, Gerald Stewart, and Morton Burnham, Murry Burnham go in together as father and son members. Also, Warner Glenn and his daughter Kelly Glenn-Kimbro.
I want to thank everybody who came and for the nice posts on this board.
I am already working on next years Expo, so get ready for a great show and a great time.
Take care.
Bruce A. Kennedy
Sewell Goodwin, Terrell Shelley, Leon Cox, Ollie Barney, Gerry Washburn, Jim Bundrick, and our very own "Ed Hunter" and "Machias" to name a few, and there were many others.
Also, we had some of the greatest predator callers in the sport in attendance, like Gerald Stewart of "Johnny Stewart Game Calls", Murry Burnham of the original "Burnham Game Calls", and Major Boddicker of the "Crit-R-Calls", Gerry Blair, and Bowen Weems representing his father's calls of the original "Wheems Calls."
It was a long day and good time had by all. Had a great Mexican Buffet that was outstanding.
But you know what? This is all about people getting together and having a good time. It is so nice to meet people you have seen on the boards for a few years, and to get the chance to shake their hand is nothing more than great.
I always thought Steve Craig was a small person, and heck, he is taller than I am, but not bigger around though.
Locohead, I so enjoyed talking with you on sever occasions. And then there was "NASA" (Tom Turner) who I have corresponded with over the years, and there he was, bigger than life.
Bill Rice, I was so glad you came, but many of the raffle ticket holders weren't.
Tim Behle, "Miss Joyce" and their sons Dean and Craig did a great job in helping out when I needed help big time. A big thanks to them. Although Craig ate all the Pizza.
Gerald Stewart and Major Boddicker, many thanks for coming and your most generous donations. You two were great and I sincerely thank both of you for your support.
But I must give credit where due, Jay Nistetter and Rich Higgins played a huge part in getting some of the big names to attend. That was all done behind the scenes and I thank both of you for your mucho appreciated support and help.
Norm Johnson, man you are the man. I can't say enough about Norm and his never ending help and support. He brought one of his tents down to house the raffle tickets. Norm, thank you many times over. I really appreciate you help.
Danny and Charlene Batastini, thank you both for coming. Danny is like a brother to me and I think the world of him. Friday was his birthday and I presented him with a big jar of Jelly Beans and I told him and the crowd it was "Glow In The Dark Viagra." Enough said.
The members of the very first of many annual National Predator Hall of Fames, are:
Gerry Blair, Murry Burnham, Gerald Stewart, Johnny Stewart, Bob Henderson, and Morton Burnham.
On the Houndsmen side, there are:
Warrner Glenn, Kelly Glenn-Kimbro, Del Cameron, Ollie Barney, Ben Lily, The Lee brothers, Dale and Clell, and Wiley Carroll
The names are in no particular order. I thought it was the greatest to see Johnny Stewart, Gerald Stewart, and Morton Burnham, Murry Burnham go in together as father and son members. Also, Warner Glenn and his daughter Kelly Glenn-Kimbro.
I want to thank everybody who came and for the nice posts on this board.
I am already working on next years Expo, so get ready for a great show and a great time.
Take care.
Bruce A. Kennedy