I have spoken to several people who have made similar claims in the Frank and other places. You should ask them if they have pictures. They never do.
It is surprising how many lifelong hunters/ranchers/outdoorsmen can't tell the difference between a large color phase black bear and a grizzly.
Names change over time, that doesn't bother me. However, names carry history with them, there should be some new event that has transpired that surpasses the relevance of the old. It's a high bar, as it should be.
I think most if not all of your list would be mitigated if we had strong 2-parent families, and churches (or other purposeful social community, clubs, volunteer organizations, etc.). These organizations used to be more prominent but have fallen to the wayside as we have found more and more ways...
I'm young enough that I have several decades before this will be a real concern, I hope.
I type up all of my hunting stories and my kids hunting stories. I would be grateful if my kids read my stories and decided that a couple of them were interesting enough to want to keep a few of the...
I'll toot my own horn. I knew that situations like that would occur and opposed youth tag transfers from the start. I still oppose youth tag transfers for deer/elk/antelope.
I was very happy to see it come to and end for Moose/Sheep/Goats.
I agree with the point that Matt is trying to make, however, he will need to be a lot more articulate on the Meateater podcast than he was on the Blood Origins podcast if he wants to change any minds.
This sucks.
The location of this detection really bothers me. CWD has been detected in NW Montana and Western Wyoming. If the spread was caused by natural deer movement it could be expected to be found first in Boundary or Bonner county in the north or along the Wyoming border in eastern...
I do not notice any difference between glasses or contacts when shooting a rifle.
There is a difference when shooting a bow. With contacts the pins are clear and aligned properly. With glasses the pins are slightly blurry and the different colors become staggered, (the red pins are slightly...
I'll be perfectly honest.
I don't care where you come from, who you vote for, or how much we have in common. You are taking up space in my home state, and I don't like it.
When you move here and we talk face to face, I'll be polite, because I'm generally a nice person. You have every right...
My oldest son became sick on a Tuesday, he tested negative a couple days later. Then my wife got sick along with our other son, both tested negative. I left to go elk hunting and by the time I got back the boys were well and my wife was nearly there. Her symptoms were body aches, fever, cough...
As a slow adopter of new technologies I'll sign up eventually.
I like the idea of an uncensored playlist while keeping the rest of the videos clean. I don't mind the occasional hell or damn, but constant profanity wears on me.
I try to keep my own language clean, for my sake not just for my...
I've shot one buck that had a set of 2" horns growing behind his main horns exactly like the buck shown by MTLabrador.
During the Pleistocene and Holocene there were many species of Pronghorn antelope. Some had 4 horns with one set that looked similar to modern pronghorn and the second set...
I understand. You purchased your tag in December and between then and publishing the 2021 regulations book the archery mule deer opportunity was eliminated. That seems like a strange season to eliminate.
As I understand it, they are eliminating the use of the "general tag" for that hunt because it only allows for the harvest of whitetail deer anyway. They did not eliminate the hunt itself. None of your plans need to change.
I'll second the recommendation for:
The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn, by Nathaniel Philbrick
In general, atrocities were committed and started by both sides throughout American and Indian history. The tribes did not treat each other any differently and...