First hand Covid symptoms

Seriously though I have horses that I can't get wormed because everything is sold out. Even the "pour on livestock" is sold out. Are people ingesting the stuff that isn't even approved for livestock consumption?
Afraid of the vaccine that seems safe and has fda approval? Well then try this livestock med that you heard about on the internet!
Seriously though I have horses that I can't get wormed because everything is sold out. Even the "pour on livestock" is sold out. Are people ingesting the stuff that isn't even approved for livestock consumption?
Afraid of the vaccine that seems safe and has fda approval? Well then try this livestock med that you heard about on the internet!
Yup. I've got some calves I need to dose, but the bro-science dweebs and knuckle draggers have it all locked down.
I’ve tried to keep up with this thread for another source of info. I’m day 4 into chills, body aches, and fever. That’s my main symptoms (I did test positive at my doctors office). My question is those that went through the Rona roller coaster, did you take medicine to take the fever away or let it run it’s course? I know too much ibuprofen or Tylenol isn’t good for you either.
I’ve tried to keep up with this thread for another source of info. I’m day 4 into chills, body aches, and fever. That’s my main symptoms (I did test positive at my doctors office). My question is those that went through the Rona roller coaster, did you take medicine to take the fever away or let it run it’s course? I know too much ibuprofen or Tylenol isn’t good for you either.
Check with your doctor, but if you need to I believe you can alternate Tylenol and Advil to avoid overdoing the recommended dosages. They have different modes of action, so don’t impact the body quite the same way. I’ve done that before on recommendation from a health care provider and it worked for me (though not specifically for COVID). That can provide relief while helping keep you within the recommended daily dosage for each. Don’t exceed the 24 hour dosages, and keep up with your fluids too.
I’ve tried to keep up with this thread for another source of info. I’m day 4 into chills, body aches, and fever. That’s my main symptoms (I did test positive at my doctors office). My question is those that went through the Rona roller coaster, did you take medicine to take the fever away or let it run it’s course? I know too much ibuprofen or Tylenol isn’t good for you either.
What was posted above aligns with what my doc told me while battling a fever from pneumonia. Just good general fight a fever direction.

When I had COVID, my doc told me to not over treat my fever though, said as long as it stayed low grade, and I was tolerating it, just let it go. I did bump into the 101’s a couple times though, which sent Nurse Wifey (she is an actual nurse, not just MY nurse) to the cupboard for Tylenol/Ibuprofen.
I’ve tried to keep up with this thread for another source of info. I’m day 4 into chills, body aches, and fever. That’s my main symptoms (I did test positive at my doctors office). My question is those that went through the Rona roller coaster, did you take medicine to take the fever away or let it run it’s course? I know too much ibuprofen or Tylenol isn’t good for you either.
I hit 103.5 several days in a row. Had to control it with alternating ibuprofen & Tylenol.

However, low grade fevers are GOOD for you. It’s uncomfortable, but the fever is killing the virus. It’s a balance… but don’t eliminate a low grade fever.
I hit 103.5 several days in a row. Had to control it with alternating ibuprofen & Tylenol.

However, low grade fevers are GOOD for you. It’s uncomfortable, but the fever is killing the virus. It’s a balance… but don’t eliminate a low grade fever.
103.5 is certainly not a low grade fever, that is a life threatening temperature for an adult. You really should go see your dr or go to the hospital.
103.5 is certainly not a low grade fever, that is a life threatening temperature for an adult. You really should go see your dr or go to the hospital.
Maybe i wasn’t clear. You’re right. I hit 103.5 and had to use medication to bring that down.

99-101 is low grade.
My 15 yr old daughter started coughing heavy Tuesday evening and tested positive. She got her second vaccination 3 1/2 months before. So far only a very persistent cough and runny nose. No fever, no feeling of malaise as with flu, still has a appetite. Wife and I both tested negative, got boosters a while ago. We're at the end of day 5 now and the cough is still here, but so far so good.

Wishing health to all.
Hopefully the vaccination keeps the symptoms minimal. You and your family will be in my family's thoughts and a prayer for strength while she fights it off. Stay negative. :)
Wish you all well!
Anybody noticing or experiencing long haul symptoms?

I got sick on Christmas Eve, and tested positive the day after Christmas - so 10 months ago. I was sick, but never sick Sick, with only really fever, body aches, fatigue as my symptoms. No difficulty breathing. Afterwards I started noticing that our evening walks actually took effort on my part, and as I was trying to get in "hunting shape" it was a big struggle. I really didn't do anything different that I normally do, weighted hikes, but my wind just never came.

I really noticed it this year during archery elk. My partner and I do a lot of hiking and calling, and we had to changed tactics quite a bit this year, just because I couldn't hike like I normally do. I'm not saying it wasn't good to work on my spot and stalk skills, but damn, I miss being the skinny bean pole that can out hike the 20-somethings.

Anybody else noticing similar effects?
My wife’s older twin brothers are both in ICU, and have been hospitalized for over a week. One has been on a ventilator for a week and the other was just put on one today. Both are battling secondary lung infections.
Wishing the best. My mom and her husband have been sick at home with it a few days now. Luckily both are vaccinated. Her husband is a walking underlying condition. Kids and I got tested today, as the kids spent 2 days at grandma's house around the onset of symptoms over there. :rolleyes:
My oldest son became sick on a Tuesday, he tested negative a couple days later. Then my wife got sick along with our other son, both tested negative. I left to go elk hunting and by the time I got back the boys were well and my wife was nearly there. Her symptoms were body aches, fever, cough, and loss of taste. Her cough has persisted now for a couple weeks. Finally, this week I became ill, a full three weeks after them.

Knowing that my employer would like me to test negative before returning I submitted myself to become a statistic. I tested positive yesterday, two days after the onset of symptoms. So far body aches and fever comparable to every flu I've ever had. Today I am much improved and were it not for quarantine recommendations I would go back to work tomorrow.

None of us got the vaccine. None of us ever get flu shots. All are vaccinated for all the traditional diseases. Take it for what it's worth, I have no quarrel with the personal healthcare decisions of others and would not change any of my decisions.
Anybody noticing or experiencing long haul symptoms?

I got sick on Christmas Eve, and tested positive the day after Christmas - so 10 months ago. I was sick, but never sick Sick, with only really fever, body aches, fatigue as my symptoms. No difficulty breathing. Afterwards I started noticing that our evening walks actually took effort on my part, and as I was trying to get in "hunting shape" it was a big struggle. I really didn't do anything different that I normally do, weighted hikes, but my wind just never came.

I really noticed it this year during archery elk. My partner and I do a lot of hiking and calling, and we had to changed tactics quite a bit this year, just because I couldn't hike like I normally do. I'm not saying it wasn't good to work on my spot and stalk skills, but damn, I miss being the skinny bean pole that can out hike the 20-somethings.

Anybody else noticing similar effects?
Nope. Two vax-Saturday jabs with tired weekends, and the occasional radioactive waves from the Illuminati calling. But no COVID
My oldest son became sick on a Tuesday, he tested negative a couple days later. Then my wife got sick along with our other son, both tested negative. I left to go elk hunting and by the time I got back the boys were well and my wife was nearly there. Her symptoms were body aches, fever, cough, and loss of taste. Her cough has persisted now for a couple weeks. Finally, this week I became ill, a full three weeks after them.

Knowing that my employer would like me to test negative before returning I submitted myself to become a statistic. I tested positive yesterday, two days after the onset of symptoms. So far body aches and fever comparable to every flu I've ever had. Today I am much improved and were it not for quarantine recommendations I would go back to work tomorrow.

None of us got the vaccine. None of us ever get flu shots. All are vaccinated for all the traditional diseases. Take it for what it's worth, I have no quarrel with the personal healthcare decisions of others and would not change any of my decisions.
How do you make "personal healthcare decisions" in a pandemic when your decisions affect everyone else's health? Man, I just don't get that. A helluva lot of people in North America obviously didn't pay attention at Sunday school.

I'm glad you and your family lucked out with COVID. I hope all the folks you spread the disease to are as lucky. The odds are that won't be the case.

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