First hand Covid symptoms

Just be advised we've had multiple instances in our office of people initially testing negative with the rapid test, then testing positive later with the PCR test.
Had a meeting with our local hospital last week, they are overcapacity in the ICU with C19 cases. They stated the same thing. Folks coming in with Symptoms, testing negative, fighting symptoms for days only to later test positive.
FWIW, more and more data is coming out that indicates a prior COVID-19 infection AND vaccination is providing a very strong and broad spectrum immune response.
You had me at prior COVID-19 infection
Just be advised we've had multiple instances in our office of people initially testing negative with the rapid test, then testing positive later with the PCR test.
This was not the rapid test. Had it done by the county clinic, right after a NM state trooper who was there.
I am still fighting the lingering effects of this crap.

I got released from the hospital for the second time on September 4. The pneumonia feels like it has broken up quite well, but I still have issues with my oxygen recovery.

I am able to move and do more than I could two weeks ago, but nothing particularly physical. I can stand and do minor activity for about 1/2 and hour then need a break and have to sit down.

I have a follow up appointment on Tuesday with my primary care.

My wife's cough is dying down but her energy levels are still a bit low.

She isolated from our 6 year old and 16 year old while I was in the hospital and the kids never did test positive or show symptoms. I really am proud of our daughters for working together and doing the best they could for their mother while she was confined to her bedroom for 10 days.

As a side note - my in laws both have it. My father in law got the first shot but had an allergic reaction. My mother inlaw had both shots - I think this spring. Both thought they had just colds and were acting as normal for about a week before they got tested. No caution whatsoever in regards to masks, social distancing, etc. My mother in law would actually make a point to people that she was vaccinated and it was ok.... And they still got it. The saving grace is they aren't in the hospital... But how many people did they spread it to? IDK. Pretty scary.

ETA... we live 120 miles from my in laws, and my wife last had contact with them on August 31, after she was cleared, and they started showing symptoms about September 10th. We have not been around them at all since Aug. 31.

My doctors want me to get the vaccine after some time, but it is clear to me the vaccine doesn't stop the virus, so I am still not hot on that idea either. I will probably get it, but man, what a mess this has become.

God speed to everyone.
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I am still fighting the lingering effects of this crap.

I got released from the hospital for the second time on September 4. The pneumonia feels like it has broken up quite well, but I still have issues with my oxygen recovery.

I am able to move and do more than I could two weeks ago, but nothing particularly physical. I can stand and do minor activity for about 1/2 and hour then need a break and have to sit down.

I have a follow up appointment on Tuesday with my primary care.

My wife's cough is dying down but her energy levels are still a bit low.

She isolated from our 6 year old and 16 year old while I was in the hospital and the kids never did test positive or show symptoms. I really am proud of our daughters for working together and doing the best they could for their mother while she was confined to her bedroom for 10 days.

As a side note - my in laws both have it. My father in law got the first shot but had an allergic reaction. My mother inlaw had both shots - I think this spring. Both thought they had just colds and were acting as normal for about a week before they got tested. No caution whatsoever in regards to masks, social distancing, etc. My mother in law would actually make a point to people that she was vaccinated and it was ok.... And they still got it. The saving grace is they aren't in the hospital... But how many people did they spread it to? IDK. Pretty scary.

ETA... we live 120 miles from my in laws, and my wife last had contact with them on August 31, after she was cleared, and they started showing symptoms about September 10th. We have not been around them at all since Aug. 31.

My doctors want me to get the vaccine after some time, but it is clear to me the vaccine doesn't stop the virus, so I am still not hot on that idea either. I will probably get it, but man, what a mess this has become.

God speed to everyone.
I would encourage you to go ahead and get the vax unless your physician advises against it. No, it won't stop the virus but if it helps cut the odds of being back in the hospital again you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Sounds like the lesson has been learned about social distancing and masking up even if vaxed. Thanks for passing it on for others.

Wishing you and your family a speedy recovery. Wonderful how your girls stepped up to the plate. Another lesson they won't forget.
Well I don’t know if I finally caught it or not. have not been able to eat for 4 days and I have been super tired. Slept all day Saturday wasn’t up more than 30 minutes at a time. I feel better today just went and got tested. No rapid test available so I did the pcr test. They said 48-72 hours. We will see
Well I don’t know if I finally caught it or not. have not been able to eat for 4 days and I have been super tired. Slept all day Saturday wasn’t up more than 30 minutes at a time. I feel better today just went and got tested. No rapid test available so I did the pcr test. They said 48-72 hours. We will see
In the meantime maybe get a cardio check at Dr's. Hang in there.
I tested positive July 8,2020 when I actually felt good. Long story short, I'm the boiler operator at a hospital and proper protocal was not followed the week before when I had body aches on June 29th. None of my coworkers got sick, or my wife and kids. Just me. I didn't quarenteen from anyone until I tested positive. The worst part for me was the headache that felt like it was pushing my eyes out of my head and the ensuing fever on the last day of symptoms. I literally felt like killing myself. So it started with the body aches. Then went onto the headache, then fever and headache. Somewhere in there I lost smell and taste.
Since I'm in healthcare, I got the shots when they were available in February because I knew they'd make it a condition of my employment. Which they did.
Lingering effects, if I remember correctly, where not being able to walk far without being winded. That's it.
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I tested positive July 8,2020 when I actually felt good. Long story short, I'm the boiler operator at a hospital and proper protocal was not followed the week before when I had body aches on June 29th. None of my coworkers got sick, or my wife and kids. Just me. I didn't quarenteen from anyone until I tested positive. The worst part for me was the headache that felt like it was pushing my eyes out of my head and the ensuing fever on the last day of symptoms. I literally felt like killing myself. So it started with the body aches. Then went onto the headache, then fever and headache. Somewhere in there I lost smell and taste.
Since I'm in healthcare, I got the shots when they were available in February because I knew they'd make it a condition of my employment. Which they did.
Lingering effects, if I remember correctly, where not being able to walk far without being winded. That's it.
Wow! Suicidal. Hadn't heard that one before. Glad you made it. How are you doing now? I briefly experienced some fatigue after the Johnsons vax in May but I had just drove fourteen hours nonstop to get it.
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My twin sister had a family gathering on my brother-in-laws side. One of his sisters (unvaccinated) showed up sick and didn’t tell anyone. The vast majority of the family is anti-vax and pretty much everyone got it. I don’t know them well but last I heard one was on his way to the ER and another was saying his goodbyes to his family as he was life-flighted to be put on a ventilator. He may be dead already.

My sister had 1 Pfizer shot in April and had a bit of a reaction to it so her doctor advised against the 2nd. She got Covid from the gathering and was pretty miserable for 5 days but is getting better, aside from no taste or smell. All 5 of their kids from 18 months to 10 years old caught it with varying degrees of symptoms. Most were pretty miserable for a few days. I think all are over their symptoms except the 18 month old. My brother in law was fully vaccinated with Pfizer and he never got it (tested.) His parents were also vaccinated fully and didn’t get it. As far as I know, those 3 were among 4 people there out of 20-30 people that were fully vaccinated and were the only 3 to not get Covid.
Just a quick update, my fully vaccinated (Pfizer) brother-in-law did finally end up getting sick and testing positive for Covid while I was elk hunting last week. His only symptom was a few days of congestion. Since I'm not in a group that the booster is approved for, I'm starting to wonder if I'm better off catching this thing sooner rather than later.
Just a quick update, my fully vaccinated (Pfizer) brother-in-law did finally end up getting sick and testing positive for Covid while I was elk hunting last week. His only symptom was a few days of congestion. Since I'm not in a group that the booster is approved for, I'm starting to wonder if I'm better off catching this thing sooner rather than later.
At least if vaccinated you can rest assured you're not going to get a tube shoved down your throat if you do get sick. That's something. And of course not missing a month's work and mortgaging your home to pay the hospital bill will be an added bonus. :)
My father in law tested positive a few weeks back. He had cold-like symptoms and very mild ones at that. Only reason he took the test is he made a cocktail and thought he might have added water as it tasted weak. That was the indicator so he got tested and sure enough he was positive. He felt fine other than a little congestion but nothing major and my mother in law tested negative the whole time he was positive. She had mild cold symptoms as well but they both took tests Monday to ensure back to work was ok and my mother in law tested positive now. Symptoms very mild for both and both vaccinated. Assumed to have been contracted in Las Vegas when they took my niece for her 21st birthday but you never really know for sure.
Wow! Suicidal. Hadn't heard that one before. Glad you made it. How are you doing now? I briefly experienced some fatigue after the Johnsons vax in May but I had just drove fourteen hours nonstop to get it.
Yes. The pain and discomfort were horrible. I got the Pfizer vaccine and had every symptom I had the 7 days I had covid in 24 hours. I even had lucid dreams. I'm fine now thanks. If I get it again, hopefully the vaccine helps alleviate some of the symptoms.
Try the green apple flavor!
Take more so you get more better more faster.
Charles Darwin
I'm not sure if it repels virus, but a few of my country cousins claim they need longer legs now. Drumroll...

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