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First hand Covid symptoms

A co-worker, husband and father of two, unvaccinated and an avid mountain biker, w/o medical issues was hit w/ covid a couple weeks ago.
He just returned from a lengthy stay in icu. Doc shared he was a close statistic. 30% to recover. Said all in icu were unvaccinated.

Appeared as a POW image, pulling a wheeled oxygen bottle and now finds himself with lingering thick lung issues that will hopefully go away in time.
Has to check certain vitals every so often.

A changed man when faced w/ leaving his family over his initial opposition to the vaccinations.

Not saying this to contest others, simply sharing his story.

It's great to have him back.
PFIZER is now doing a lot of backstepping because they were caught Using fetal tissue cells in their vaccines
What's the source? Probably the same site that says horse wormer will cure COVID. Yep. Project Veritas and their fake "leaked emails."
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I'm the interest of ending this off-topic discussion... Many vaccines use remnants of fetal cell lines that were harvested over 50 years ago from electively aborted fetuses. No fetal cells are used in the manufacture of the vaccine, though fetal cells are often used in safety testing of medications prior to human trials.

There's no secret. There's no backpedaling.

The Vatican even okayed the receipt of the COVID vaccines months ago, saying,

" is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process."

Now can we please end this tangent and stay on topic.
How do you make "personal healthcare decisions" in a pandemic when your decisions affect everyone else's health? Man, I just don't get that. A helluva lot of people in North America obviously didn't pay attention at Sunday school.

I'm glad you and your family lucked out with COVID. I hope all the folks you spread the disease to are as lucky. The odds are that won't be the case.
You’re funny.
Just got a message from my son's kindergarten teacher saying one of my son's podmates tested positive today. That'd explain the cough that came on Thursday night. Glad we kept him out on Friday. 3 year old is starting to cough and I've had some weird gastrointestinal issues today. All going to get tested tomorrow.
Just got a message from my son's kindergarten teacher saying one of my son's podmates tested positive today. That'd explain the cough that came on Thursday night. Glad we kept him out on Friday. 3 year old is starting to cough and I've had some weird gastrointestinal issues today. All going to get tested tomorrow.
Hoping it turns out to be something more routine.
I just got over COVID this past week. Two weekends prior I was moose hunting with my daughters. She shot one Sat morning. I packed it out and we got home late afternoon. I realized I hadn't eaten except two pieces of jerky. We packaged the moose and when I went to feed my dogs that night I had body aches. Felt bad the next day too and didn't eat. Went to work that Monday. (Refrain from your comments on this. I have had 5-6 colds since COVID began and don't get tested everytime I don't feel 100%.) Drank tea at 8am and it tasted fine. Pulled a peppermint teabag out at 11am and couldn't smell it at all. Tested at 11:30am and was positive. I went home and took my kids home from school. I had the Moderna shots in January and February. My wife is in health care and got Pfizer in December. She got COVID too but her symptoms started slightly after mine. I continued running during that week. My lungs didn't feel great, but I managed to keep my routine up despite not feeling well.

Taste and smell coming back. Maybe at 25% now.
My brother is in Florida right now trying to get on a cruise with his kids. His 8yo son tested positive last night on the pre-boarding PCR test, which would prevent him from boarding. They went to the drug store and bought two rapid tests and they both came back negative so they went back to do another PCR test (at a cost of $395) and it again came back positive.

Absolutely zero symptoms! Both parents are vaccinated, but he's too young and obviously isn't.

The family can't get on the cruise and the little boy feels like it's his fault the family's trip got canceled, which is really too bad.

Bottom line, it's crazy how differently it affects/infects different people.
How do you make "personal healthcare decisions" in a pandemic when your decisions affect everyone else's health? Man, I just don't get that. A helluva lot of people in North America obviously didn't pay attention at Sunday school.

I'm glad you and your family lucked out with COVID. I hope all the folks you spread the disease to are as lucky. The odds are that won't be the case.
You know you can still catch and spread covid while vaccinated right? The more data comes out the more negligible the difference looks. Time to come down from that high horse and realize we're all still on the same ground.
Kids and I got tested today, as the kids spent 2 days at grandma's house around the onset of symptoms over there. :rolleyes:

Well, one out of three of us positive. The positive 11 year old has no symptoms. Grandma and and Papa have experienced dry cough, tight chest, headache, diarrhea, vomiting body aches, sore muscles. It comes and goes, so there are times when they feel better and times when they feel worse. It's not debilitating, just very unpleasant. Lots of sleeping. Both are vaccinated, grandma in her late 60s, Papa in his mid 70s.
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