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  1. R

    New Pot

    Rich, I wouldn't be surprised if you were both right. Ever see a young male in a copulatory tie? He's suddenly being dragged around by the dumbstick, it isn't fun anymore, it hurts like hell, and he doesn't have a clue what is happening to him.
  2. R

    New Pot

    "Only the yippers know and they are not telling." SH
  3. R

    Crow Woman's Book

    When is part two planned? We want more photos, like photo-op photos. So how did the biker convention go? Who won the contest? Inquiring minds.
  4. R

    Welcome Rich Higgins

    Hi to all and thanks for the welcome. Hi to Ronnie and his Texas size sense of humor, Hi to you too Marc, and Doug, my friend my huntin' buddy, Seldom Ever has supplied me with a slammin", kick-ass computor that is capable of posting photos, Lance Homman is instructing me in the procedure...
  5. R

    pics of sticks

    I'm amazed at how sturdy your sticks are, Pup. Tyler and I haven't been able to trash our's yet. They're still going strong.
  6. R

    Lets stir the pot

    Gier and Danner both state that coyotes are capable of observational learning. Hypothetical scenario= two coyotes respond to the call. One approaches, one hangs up 2 ridges over. The shot clips coyote number one, who does Gerry's "mad dash for home and Mother" and will not respond to that sound...
  7. R

    What is the smartest...

    Without a doubt, this guy " It is my personal belief that when the last human has fallen, and the last skull lies on the irradiated earth, a coyote will come trotting out of some safe place. Don't ask me where he'll come from; but I believe that he will survive as he has always survived. The...
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