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Crow Woman's Book


Dick Reece

Just received my copy two days ago,and finally got a chance to start reading it this morning.I am just barely into it,but it sure is good reading.It is conjuring up a lot of old memories for me,and I think that must be one of the things it was intended to do.

Thanks Sheri,for sharing a part of your hunting life,and helping me remember some of my own in the process.It is a great read for only $10.
You are very welcome my friend. Thank you for your order. So by conjuring up old memories, does that mean you will have some stories to share here
Maybe,but most would be laughable,I was pretty clumsy in my youth
well, now is not the time to be shy SE...

Either way, glad you are enjoying it. I wonder if anyone else has gotten their copies?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-09-2003 14:42: Message edited by: Crow Woman ]</font>
See I just read the other post that had fur and Vegas and I really don't know how to address you, so I'll just stick to Maam. Maam, I need an address so that I can obtain a book, your book. I can cook and clean and shoot and call, but now I live with three women with another one on the way, so the cleaning part has been sacrificed to help with the upbringing.

Thanks in advance CW,

later pup
oh I Wuv it when a man grovels

You can check out my new webpage compliments of one very fine person on this list in my sig or I'll just type it here...LOL

Sheri Baity
P O Box 133
Covington, PA 16917
$10 per book

But really now, you ought to check out the web page. He did awesome work!!!!!


Now up off those knees... I'll let you just slide on by... I'm still looking for Danny Darlin, slippery lil sucker he is
Groveling? I wouldn't call it groveling, maybe politely asking, but not groveling.

check is in the mail, if she'll let me. hahahaha

later pup
Sheri,the word "Author" in your sigline,has become a part of the weblink above it,you need to redo it and space them further apart.

When I come to Pennsylvania, do I get to see your fur
yeah,except it doesn't work as a link now

here's what it should look like when you are finished in the URL box,and it transfers to your post

If this doesn't work, I'm giving it up until tomorrow when I can have more coffee...LOL I'm having a really bad blonde moment at the moment... Please stand by

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-09-2003 16:28: Message edited by: Crow Woman ]</font>
If I have to travel as fur
as Pennsylvania,I want to see your coyote furs when I get there!

If you ask,one of the Admins or mods can fix your link in your sig for you.
Well Sheri, it was worth waiting a year and a half for. You have an approach that takes me waaay back to the days when I was into Kahlil Gibran and Carlos Castenada. Your stories make me wish the experience had happened to me. I want more! When can we expect Vol. 2?
When is part two planned? We want more photos, like photo-op photos. So how did the biker convention go? Who won the contest? Inquiring minds.

I was wondering why you never said anything??!!?? They all went out the same day. I sent your's priority because you ordered so many...

ohhh... I wouldn't want to be the post office this morning when I get ahold of them

I'll be in touch with you today... let's see, who else, Doug?, did you get your's?
WOW NASA... to put me with Carlos??!!?? I don't know what to say on that one other than I am extremely honored and no way can I see such magnitude of comparison. Thank You

Actually, I'm working on another volume of stories that were not in the first one and new ones added also. Let's just get this batch out of the way. I'll keep ya posted.

Coldnosed... What an awesome job you did on my page! I loved that pic you designed and took so much, I made it my desktop photo! Just Amazing Bryan and now that Moosie fixed it for me, "Thank You Moosie" ya'll can check out Bryan's work

Rich... she didn't even place this year
I'm soooo dissapointed... But she sold tons of stuff and made good money

Thank You Everyone!!! Sly, we'll be in touch today... sorry about that one, they were all signed and everything...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-10-2003 16:45: Message edited by: Crow Woman ]</font>

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