New Pot

Rich Higgins,
"Even the yippers don't know why they do that"
Rich Cronk

HEE HEE, now I am finally one move ahead on old S H
Rich, I wouldn't be surprised if you were both right. Ever see a young male in a copulatory tie? He's suddenly being dragged around by the dumbstick, it isn't fun anymore, it hurts like hell, and he doesn't have a clue what is happening to him.
These kind of questions always make me look at what I do and try to figure out why I do them the way I do. I have always thought I was trying to appeal to the coyote’s instincts. I haven’t found the magic button to push that will work every time or even most times. I have had a day or two that I thought I had, but the next day proved me wrong. LOL

Two days of pondering and all I can come up with is they respond sometimes just because their instincts tell them to.
Now that is a visual I could of done without.
Rich Cronk, dogknotted, and being drug around backwards. EEEgadssssss.
Yeah, Rich I have to agree, please don't tell.

later pup
As to the question of learned response and conditional response I think it's pretty clearcut...

Conditional response, to me, is like when a coyote crosses a creek where it's shallow, or comes through a fencerow where there aren't any brambles... or that the dump is a good place to hunt rats, or that tourists bring food (and will feed you if you appear to be hurt (but that became a learned response too)).
More related to the environment... path of least resistance kinda stuff.

Learned response is reactionary, more related to actions... they got shot at and it was scary, or they came to get a rabbit and it was a man...
Or that the garbage can at McD's has food in it, or like the coyote pack in one national park... one had learned while hurt handouts were easier to come by, so he then taught it to succesive coyotes.
"Check out this trick my mama taught me" kinda things.

I still see conditioned response and learned behavior as the same dang thing. There was a time however, that I thought I was wrong. It turned out that I was mistaken.
Rich.....I agree,A conditioned response, unlike instincts and emotions, is a response learned after birth. I. like you, thought I was wrong once but, it turned out I was, I guess I have never made a mistake either.
That is the best dang answer to the conditioned response question that I have ever seen! I hope to see more of your posts. Mistakes? Oh man, I have made more than my share of those.
whitedeer, I have to agree.Your statement on conditioned, And learned response is the best I have ever seen on the subject.

What I am asking is opinions on triggered response. I think several have touched on it. I don't think it can be clearly defined.

I believe triggered response to be totally separated from learned , And conditioned. Now I do believe a triggered response can turn into a learned in a matter of seconds. Depending on where the bullet winds up.
Varmit said "Now I do believe a triggered response can turn into a learned in a matter of seconds. Depending on where the bullet winds up."
Now THAT is the gospel truth.

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