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varmit hunter

New member
Jun 18, 2003
I have seen many posts on learned response, And conditioned response.

The one that has me doing the most thinking about. Is the triggered response. I have spent over fifty years fishing and hunting. Mainly in South East Texas, And Louisiana.

Why did that Mallard that has been called to thousands of times, Set his wings over my decoys? Why did that six pound Bass at Toledo bend hit my worm after seeing many thousands of plastic worms?. Why did that Coyote that I have called to way to many times blast in this morning?. Is it because I am the best Duck, And Coyote caller in the world? Hell No. Am I the best Bass fisherman in the world?. Not a chance.

What triggered there response at this time , And place?. I have asked myself this question for years. Do I have a answer?. No, I don't even have a clue.

I sure would like to hear what the rest of you think. You have all been there. What did we do to trip that trigger?.
I think it's a combination of things culminating in a "this looks right" setting.Weather,calling pattern,set of the decoys,wind,your cammo or blinds visibility.When it comes together right,you usually sense it before anything happens.
Which brings up another question,ever have one of those mornings when you just knew it was going to be a hell of a day,and it was ?Everything just felt 'right" ? I think that's similiar to the feeling that triggers those veteran animals into responding.
Boy, the title of this thread had me going for a minute.. As well... we can talk hunting I guess...

I think ol' VH misspelled "Post",but he's predator hunting royalty,he's entitled
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Why did that Mallard that has been called to thousands of times, Set his wings over my decoys? Why did that six pound Bass at Toledo bend hit my worm after seeing many thousands of plastic worms?. Why did that Coyote that I have called to way to many times blast in this morning?. Is it because I am the best Duck, And Coyote caller in the world? Hell No. Am I the best Bass fisherman in the world?. Not a chance.
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I think alot of it is they haven't seen/heard/experienced that scenario with bad consequences. Also, animals are like us, in that often curiousity or lack of awareness, desires, needs, etc get them in trouble.
VH,I get your meaning brother,that's all that counts! Keep on posting it makes good reading,and it's a thought provoking question!
Seldom, Regarding you're comment about the Royalty. I am the guy that rides on the back of the coach. I jump down and set up that little stool so the Royalty can step out.

Brother I am just a guy that's been around long enough. To have way more questions than answers.
I know you're just a regular guy,but from what I've seen posted you're also one hell of a legend in the predator hunting world.So,I chose to honor you by saying so,my perogative my friend.

Damn straight Ronnie is royalty. King in my books.

I only wish I had the ability and knowledge that ol'VH has forgotten, then I could be the prince

some of us aren't the best spellers but thats because we were huntin and missed the spellin b's. Don't try to understand the words, try to understand the meanings and the points we're tryin to convey.
Seldom, I always thought that I liked you and now I'm convinced, your welcome into my group of friends anytime.

Likewise to you and Ronnie,Dic,you both are welcome in my camp anytime.
It all has to do with you have what it wants or you sound like you do at the time it wants it so it is going to get it if it can.

But I don't have clue.
VH, you and I pose the same question. Like you I too have many more questions than answers.

If I could answer your question I would be the best of the best and would spend more time talkin than huntin. Maybe I'll just be happy with being in the best company that I have ever been privalidged to be in and let it go at that.

Good question Varmit Hunter (Your Hiness). I guess the best answer I can come up with is. You ever do something really stupid and while you were doing it you saying to yourself this is stupid. I think that's what happens sometimes, they just have a bad day.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-08-2003 18:38: Message edited by: Byron South ]</font>
Does that apply to coyote hunters who travel up north to make coffee and wash dishes for their host.Grins

"the south will rise again but the north is already up" LOL

Now don't you Texas boys get your feathers stuck together,,, I'm just funnin ya. LOL

later guys

I see conditioned response and learned response as the same thing actually. Since coyotes are my main target these days, they are the animal I think of when addressing your question. I believe that coyotes have mood swings just like people. Even the smartest of coyotes will come in like a stupid jerk if I happen to hit him with the right sound and Mr. coyote is in the right mood. Here in the midwest, it seems that a lot of coyotes are a bit suspicious of the dying rabbit sound. Howling seems to be the ticket right now. Since howling is coyote language, I feel that it is harder for coyotes to wise up to that sound. That is assuming that I don't keep going back to same area and blowing exact same howler and exact same cadence every time. Shucks I think they can learn to avoid a certain howler after awhile also. These are just my own thoughts right now. Am I right? Heck, who knows for certain.
Possibly several things at one time,


Wise ol' VarmitHunter is on his game today, sounding particular apealing to this particular coyote.

This stand is very realistic, everything appears right, as was stated.

This coyote is having a brain fart, as was stated.

Beautiful music,coyote comes in full blast hears bark thinks Oh My, boom flop.

Or it could be my overanalization of situations, which resulted in this thought, I think that I have finally found the perfect camo. Mismatched top and bottom.

later pup
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