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  1. H

    It's a Done Deal...We are Hitched

    Hey congratulations to you both and I have to say I LOVE THE TENNIES.....LOL :D :D :D
  2. H

    It's a Done Deal...We are Hitched

    Congratulation to you both and I hope your future always stays this bright!!!!!!!
  3. H

    15 things you can do at walmart

    LOL thats great and oh what fun it could be!!!!
  4. H

    Back to school time

    I have 2 boys in Jr. High School and my daughter is in Elementary School and they all start on Aug. Th for a half day. And I can't wait......LOL
  5. H

    Life without parole

    Happy Anniversary to you both! I hope the next 25 are just as great!
  6. H

    I just have to ask.... What ever happened

    Well I miss seeing their post hope all is going alright with you all.
  7. H

    Idaho Second Drawing

    Idaho fish and game has a list of all the left over tags that are available for the second draw I did not draw the first time around either so I put in for it again. The way I see it, is why not I might draw. If there are still left over tags after this second draw the tags go on sale for first...
  8. H


    Glad your back and your safe!!!!
  9. H

    Not a Tiger, Not a Lion, but a Liger

    That is one very very big kitty!!!!! WOW!!!!!
  10. H

    August Photo contest :

    Wild Flowers and bumble bee #3 "Flower Bee" I took this picture this last weekend. Hope you all enjoy it the way I did when I took the picture.
  11. H

    Damn Dog!!!!!

    You could try picking the tomatoes just before they get ripe and putting them in a window to ripen the rest of the way. If she really likes them a fence won't stop her she will just go over or under it. As far as the corn and such goes you can take some black pepper and put it all around and on...
  12. H

    Photo Contest !!!!

    #19 "Pilots Peak" Took this picture while I was up on top of Pilots Peak here in Idaho this last weekend. Hope you all enjoy the view as much as I did.
  13. H

    Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy birthday Erin!!!! Well be-lated birthday anyway hope you have a good one
  14. H

    Coolest toy i ever seen!!!!

    WOW!!! I want one......LOL Thats so cool!!!
  15. H

    Some velvet while riding...................

    Those are some great pics there, thanks for sharing them!!!
  16. H

    Truck Brand

    well I'm a GIRL and ford is the only way to go!!!!!!!
  17. H

    Woves chase hikers

    Thats a great read thanks for sharing. We had wolves 1/4 of a mile from our camp last year and yes they had pups but it was not even close to that confrontation. The wolves we came across just ran the other way. We respected their area and they stayed out of ours. But I have no doubt that if we...
  18. H

    Truck Brand

    Ford is the only way to go and out of the 6 veh. we own all of them are ford and they all run!!!! The oldest is 73 pick up the newest is a 94 van!!!!! Oh ya there is a Bronco and a Hi-Boy in there too!!!
  19. H

    Got2hunts New Toy!!!!!

    Hey GOT, nice decals!!!! by-the way!!!!!!!
  20. H

    Got2hunts New Toy!!!!!

    Ok guys I'm posting these pics for got2hunt so he can show off his newest toy!!!! Hope you all enjoy them!!!!! :D :D :D
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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