Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Damn Dog!!!!!


New member
Apr 28, 2001
We have yet to get a tomato off our plants this year :MAD Our Black lab eats them before we get to them :MAD I have never seen a dog that likes tomatoes the way she does hump I yell at her and she just looks at me burps and smiles her graditude :cool: She knows when they are ripe and the green ones...I swear,,sometimes I think she can see the red, just when they are there sweetest hump :cool: Damn dog |oo looks like I have to put the fence back up |oo

Raccoons ate all of the wife's yellow they're starting on the white, but we managed to get some ears out first. Pretty soon the cantaloupe and watermelons will be ripe, and we'll start finding raccoon-sized centerpunches in those, too. Ringtailed bastages. ;) Deer have been after her carrots, rabbits after her peppers...and on, and on. :D
I did the hot sauce thing the last time we did tomatoes, and she started wearing a sombrerro(sp?) and a poncho :cool:

We had a deer in our garden last year,, and all she ate was the strawberries :mad: the deer, coons, and such around here don't seem to bother the garden....

Our black lab likes tomatoes also. He also loves eating blackberries and salal berries. He'll be out 'til after dark some nights foraging in the berry patches.........he thinks he is a bear.:)
Another thing he used to do: at our old house we had an apple tree.........he would eat any apple that fell to the ground. In fact sometimes he would sit out in the yard staring at the tree as if he was waiting for an apple to drop. I plan on planting a couple apple trees for him at the new place.
You could try picking the tomatoes just before they get ripe and putting them in a window to ripen the rest of the way. If she really likes them a fence won't stop her she will just go over or under it.
As far as the corn and such goes you can take some black pepper and put it all around and on the corn and melons, most wild critters don't like the smell of it because its not a natural smell to them.
Hope it helps and good luck guys!
Huntinfool, we actually pull that trick with cayenne pepper...unfortuantely, though, it gets washed off in every rain, and with the humidity in this neck of the woods the dew in the mornings is often enough to wash it away. We'd be out sprinkling pepper every stinkin' day all summer long. :D

Hey...maybe we should try that fancy scent shaker pellet crap they're selling these days. The stuff that you pour a liquid scent on, then shake it out like salt...supposedly it lasts for days in that form. Hmmmm....
dried blood works keeps all critters out of the garden. Just sprinkle it around the perimeter, and your tomatoes are safe.
I think the fence is the only real answer, but hook up some sparktricity to the bottom of it, it's not only a good detourent but is fun to watch... :D

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